Chapter 9

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Ukraine told you that you could wait on the couch. You did so until she returned with a bowl of popcorn. You begin to watch the movie. Ukraine starts to ask you questions at the end of the movie. "So where are you from?" She asked. You shrugged and replied, "not here that's for sure.... It's like, this is a different dimension of a sort." Ukraine looked shocked, "where you are from are there other cat people like you?" You laughed for a moment. "No, when I got here I ended up with a semi cat form, I dont know why" you spoke instantly thinking of Asterisk. You start to wonder if that cat had anything to do with this. 'The only night I bring a strange animal into my house, this happens..... Maybe.. Asterisk isnt just a cat?' you thought doubtfully. You were cut out of your thoughts by a slight weight on your shoulder. You look over and you see Ukraine asleep on your shoulder. Your face felt hot, but you didnt think of it much. You slowly drifted to sleep as well, leaning against her.

~Time Skip because yes~

You slowly open your eyes, you smell something nice. Eggs? Yes. Bacon...? YES! You jumped up and ran to the source of smell. You look in the kitchen to see Russia and Ukraine making breakfast. Your mouth watered at the small, and it must have shown too. Russia chuckled towards you, that snapped you out of your hungry state. "Sit down, its almost done" he spoke as he turned back around to check on the eggs. You sit down and sway your legs like a little kid. Ukraine set the table while Russia finished the food. "Did you sleep well girls?" Russia asked. Both you and Ukraine blushed, remembering how you both slept. Russia took notice of this, and he narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Y-yeah" You and Ukraine said at the same time.

Russia POV

'Something isnt right. Did something happen? Why are they both red? Did they do something..?' My mind filled with an unknown feeling, what is it? I dont know. Ukraine and Y/n started to eat already, so i began as well. Breakfast went well. "I thank you both so much for yesterday and this morning, I do apologize if I was a bother... I will head back out soon." Y/n spoke while her face was filled with embarrassment and guilt. It was cute, but there is no way in Hell im letting her go back out there, especially with the seasons changing so fast. Ukraine beat me to it. "Y/n, if you need a place to stay you can always stay here." She told the h/c haired feline. "A-are you s-sure?" She stuttered with guilt, it was plain to see.

"Yes!" I barked in, it startled both Ukraine and Y/n but I didnt care as long as she knew she could stay here. "O-okay...." She looked down. "Ukraine offered to take y/n shopping for new blankets and outfits for the room she would be staying in. Of course I offered to tag along. Not like I would let them go off on their own.

~Time skip~

~your pov(sorta?)~

You finished eating, you didn't eat much you were still nervous about everything. 'should I trust these... People ...?' you kept wondering if this was okay. You hated yourself for thinking bad things of Russia and Ukraine, after all they did feed you, get you new clothes, and a place to stay. Russia and Ukraine offered to take you and show you around the city. You wanted to go, but you remembered you haven't showered in 4 days. "M-may I use the shower?" You ask hesitantly. Ukraine nods and said you could borrow some of her clothes. She runs to her room while you start the shower. Russia sat on the couch to watch TV until it was time to go. ('go' is the 666th word in this story. ;) )

The shower was calm and you collected your thoughts, you were still not fully trusting them but you do respect them. Once I was done I got dressed into a (f/c) hoodie and grey leggings. I wore my head into a high pony tail, letting my bangs hang out. I walk out holding my older clothes. "Where can I put these?" I ask Ukraine. She takes them for me and goes into what I assume is the wash room. I walk to Russia planning on telling him we were about to leave, but he wasn't on the couch anymore. I turn towards the kitchen.

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