Chapter 14

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warning- SHORT :) Also a choice thing so like YEA


I wake up to hear a crash, I quickly shove the covers off me. The sudden movement causes me to feel light headed, I almost fall over but I hold the wall for support. I hold my head before the dizziness ceases but still lingers. I continue to the source of the noise. The living room. I hear another loud crash, and now I hear yelling. I peak around the corner. I freeze in fear. Holy mother of fucking fucks. USSR and Russia are arguing and slightly getting physical, Ukraine is yelling to try to get them to stop and calm down.

I just stare from my corner, no one noticed me yet. I dont pay attention to the words being spoken but this hurts to see. It reminds me too much of how my parents acted. Mother drunk and trying to attack, father holding her in place and yelling. Older brother yelling for them to stop and calm down. Yes I had an older brother, he moved out last year. Only seen him on holidays since. I dont notice I'm crying until I feel the drops of my tears land on my hand, which is on my lap. (Your sitting on your knees, one hand in your lap, the other holds the corner of the wall while you peek through)

"Отцу хватит! У нас гребаный гость !!" (Father enough!! We have a fucking guest!) you hear a familiar Russian yell. Another crash, Soviet had pushed Russia into the table with a pissed off expression. "Вы ведете себя так, как будто я не срать"(you act like I give a shit) A thicker accented man yells back. You can tell the difference of the voices clear. Ukraine looks about as if she were to cry. You dont know what to do, show yourself to the man you had a nightmare about before you even seen him, or stay hidden and watch this play out and figure things out.

A. Show yourself and ask whats happening

B. Stay hidden and try to figure out whats happening before making an entrance

Vote my friends, vote!

Short but idgaf- I made it short so i could do a decision chapter because i can


Jk love you guys <3

Se you in the next chapter 🖤

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