Chapter 3

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   You started walking into the direction of the city is finally starting to hear the sound of society. just as you were peeking through a bush to see if it was all glad that you could come out with us on suspecting you due to your new form, you looked around. Your expression went from curious to fear. People much taller than you flags decorated on their face, not just any flags, country flags. You didn't realize do you fell out the bush.

  Two of those things noticed you, expression with shock and curiosity as to what you were. The two creatures that were staring at you had the Canada and America, flag faces. 'Shit!' started to walk towards you getting the attention of someone who looked to have the Britain flag for a face. Out of fear you ran back into the woods. Voices from  those flag creatures started to grow near, you kept running but you knew they would follow. 'Shit.... Shit.... Climb the tree!!' you did as your brain instructed, you started to climb the tree you did before.

   You could see that that they had split up, but the American flag saw you. "Guys over here!!" It called out. Soon the flags were at the bottom of the tree staring at you. You couldn't hear what they were saying they were talking to each other. 'Their gonna kill me!! What do I do??? I can't stay up here forever! .... I know...' Y/n thought of a plan. She wasn't certain it would work. She slowly started to climb down the tree getting the attentions of the flags. The Canada flag had an expression of amusement. She stopped not to high above them. "Ch ch, here kitty kitty... " The American flag spoke.

   'Are they mocking- oh yea...
My ears and tail..' Y/n scoffed in her mind. She hissed at them. Jump back and surprise. Taking that to Advantage she jumped down and tried to run away. "Wait!-" the American flag grabbed your tail and yanked you back. 'What...-' she landed on the ground with a yelp. "America! Stop be careful!!!" Britain flag spoke. I tried to get up but the American flag stood on my tail, it hurts. 'Bastards!' she growled. "Get. The fuck. Off my tail!!" She screamed at the creature before using her claws to try and slash at him, he backed away and got off y/n's tail. She ran and ran after that, this time she knew they wouldn't follow her.

   "What the fuck!!" America yelled slightly pissed. "You were hurting her, you kinda deserved it." Canada chuckled. "Dad... Hello? .... BRITAIN!!" America yelled. Getting the attention he aimed for. "Why are you so quiet?" Canada asked. "I never seen anything like that. It was beautiful." Britain said in awe.


Making the next chapter asap lol 😂

Kill me plz- 🖤

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