Chapter 21

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After that whole scene with France and Russia, everyone settled on watching some movies in the living room, Ukraine was running low on food for everyone so America and I offered to go, of course Russia and France tried to as well, but we ushered them to stay. Canada tagged along instead. Im currently grabbing some bread when someone yelled, "Aye! America!" I turned around to see America shaking someones hand, this was the one I saw the other night, all white with a red circle in the middle. Japan.

'Why the fuck does everyone have to be hot here???' After greeting America and Canada, he turned to me. My face felt warmer. He waved and smiled politely, I did the same in return. "Hello, you must be that cat lady America had told me about oh, those seeing how he's not attacking you I can tell you guys are on good terms. I am Japan, and you are?" He spoke like an angel, oh God I can't be falling for one of the countries. After all I'm not going to be staying here..

"Y/n" I said, I guess by thinking about going home my voice had a hint of sadness because both America and Japan looked at me concerned Canada just stared confused. "What..?" I looked at them confused quickly changing my attitude. "Nothing..." America slightly mumbled. While checking out the items we gathered that Ukraine listed, America has told Japan what has been happening. Japan had offered to visit time to time to check in on everybody.

This made me excited, another person looking out for everybody. As soon as he offered that the memory of Russia's beaten look it saddened me because it was my fault if I hadn't come here in the first place if I had most likely gotten that cat maybe I wouldn't be here and maybe Russia and his father wouldn't have fought. Was this all my fault? I shake it off and continue to listen to the conversation Japan and America we're having. Canada sometimes spoke up in the conversation but other than that he was quiet. He didn't seem upset he just seem to be listening. now that I think about it Canada doesn't seem like a talkative person, he's been quiet this whole time that I got here.

Once we had everything we needed, we started to walk.... 'home'... I probably shouldn't say it I might get attached but.. that place in a whole other dimension feels more like home the house I stayed in my whole life. What's that sad? Why... Why was I brought here? Is this all a dream this doesn't seem real.. this seems too good to be true.. I didn't notice but while I was in my thoughts my face had paled. Japan, America and Canada noticed.. I could feel them staring at me, so I turned towards them and give them a small fake reassuring smile.

I need to stop whining. After all I'm okay. I'm okay.... But why does it feel like it's all my fault? Was I not a good daughter at home? What's that why my father was always away? Where my friends even real friends? Was I alone? Was that why I'm here? Can I.... Choose to stay..? We arrived back at Ukraine's house, I was greeted by France and Russia first.. I just put on a fake smile and went to the room I kind of wanted to be alone right now. I have so much to think about. So many questions. Yeah I don't even know how much time I have.

I just laid on the bed I wanted to cry but no tears came out. I wanted to breathe but it felt like I was breathless. And that's when he came in. I was surprised by who it was, it wasn't Russia it wasn't France.. it was America. He had looked worried. I turned over on the bed facing the other direction than him. He knew something was up, he knew since the first thought at the market.. I'm really bad at hiding it aren't I?

"Y/n.. what's wrong..?" he asked with caution while slightly sitting at the edge of the bed. "I know I'm not good at hiding it, but there's so much on my mind...." I replied back my breath was shaky and my eyes grew warm I assumed I was going to start crying and I did. America turned his head to me once he heard my slight sobs. He gently sit next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "It must be hard being away from your home out of nowhere oh, not knowing how they are not knowing if they're worrying, not knowing if they're safe. And I know traveling to A whole New world must take a lot to process, but just know we will always keep trying to find a way to get you back." He said soothingly.

I just hugged him and buried my face into his chest. I continue to cry. "Thank you" was all that I could say. He just held me closer I knew he pitied me and it made me feel worse but knowing I have somebody to help me to guide me made me feel better. Eventually I think I fell asleep. Because I woke up to slight snoring. I tried to shift up but I am push back down by a pair of arms. I look at the arms and I follow them to the body that they were attached to, it's America. He was holding on to me oh, but then I remembered France and Russia, did they not sleep in the same room? I quickly looked around to see that I was no longer in the guest room I was supposed to be in. I was in America's guest room.

See you in the next chapter 🖤

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