Chapter 11

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I felt a jolt of energy, I jolt upwards, Im in the guest bed I was in before, but thats it. Everything else, is just a black void. I slowly slide off the bed. 'What the hell is happening?' I walk but the bed seems to follow, or Im just not moving. I dont know, Im so confused. 'Where am I?' The ground, if there is one, starts shaking. I fall onto my knees. It hurt for some reason, and I yelled in pain. I can hear someone laughing. I look around I dont see anyone. Then another person starts laughing, I still dont see anyone. I hear someone yelling my name faintly. "Y/n!" It echos. Foot steps, coming towards me. I still dont see anything except the bed. The laughing grows louder with each step that echos. It turns from a walk... to a sprint, everything hurts, the sound is getting louder. The footsteps sound as if they stopped right in front of me.

I look up, no one, everything is silent after it stopped, nothing can be heard other then my breathing. Wind. I feel wind. Its getting strong, something forms in front of me, I see two pairs of feet. I look up. Two men. One was all red with an eye patch with... Oh my God. The Soviet Union. "USSR.." He chuckled. I look to the other man- A Nazi? I know people used it as a Nazi symbol but I forgotten... No wait.. "Third Reich?" They both started laughing. USSR grabbed my neck tightly. I cant move, Im trying to push them away, I cant move, It feels like im moving, but im still. I cant breathe, what do I do? Whats happening? Third Reich grabbed my ankle and I was dragged a bit, my head hitting the ground. I cant close my eyes while I gasp for breath. 

"Y/n!" ... "Y/n!!!" A familiar Russian accent yells my name. I feel someone shaking me. I jolt up with a scream remembering about Soviet and Third Reich. Someone grabs my shoulders and keeps me still, I try to push them off. "Y/n! Its me, Russia!! Its okay!!" I slowly look at him with tears in my eyes, I didnt know I had. I just hugged him. Tightly. I sob. He hugs me back tighter telling me that's 'its okay, it was a nightmare, your safe' over and over until I calmed down. Ukraine came in with a worried expression, she had some water and medicine. I look to her, my eyes blurred from tears. I feel hot. Im sweating. I go to stand up but someone pushes me back down onto the bed, it was Russia. "You need rest" He said concerned. "I dont want to have a nightmare again.. Plus I need air." I said. "Take your medicine first, then when you come back inside we can all watch a movie in the living room." Ukraine spoke while she poured some medicine. "EW!" I said and tried to run out of the room, Russia had wrapped his arms around my waste to keep me from running. "Bilge rat!!!" I screeched. 

After taking medicine, I was just sitting on Ukraine's front porch. The wind had a small breeze, and by the look of the sky it was around 7:00 pm. The sun is setting softly. Its peaceful. I close my eyes, I think of my father, my friends, Asterisk. I miss them. I feel tears coming down my face. I want to go back. So bad. I hope this is just a dream. It seems like it. People with the worlds countries flags as faces? This has to be a dream. I wonder when I will wake up. I feel myself shaking, I grasp the handle of the bars on the porch for support. I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look to see Russia. He is always there when I need someone. I sniff, my nose starts to get stuffy. He chuckles and hugs me, I hug him back. "Thank you guys for being here for me, you didnt have to but you helped me." I said as I pulled away a bit. He just smiled, his face turns flustered. He then holds me tighter and pulls me closer. He kisses my forehead. I just stare in shock. 


Sorry its short! Life sucks man....

See you in the next chapter! 🖤

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