Chapter 23

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I'm in America's guest room hiding from France and Russia. I don't dislike them, it's just that sometimes they can be a bit too clingy. I know Russia's going through a lot right now especially since his sister was shot, but if I go out there France is going to be all over me. Maybe I can get America to let Russia in for a while.

I sat up from the floor, yes I was on the floor, and I snatched the edge of the beds blanket and yanked it. Alerting America. The blanket pulled him as well and he fell off the bed. "What the hell?!" He yelled. I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Ameee~" I cooed, he glared at me with a tinted face. "What?" He scoffed. "Can you pretty please let Russia in?" I have him puppy eyes. He thought about it before rolling his eyes. "Fine. Only for a little while." I jumped up like a child and yelled in victory. "Shut up." America groaned as he sat up and fixed his bed.


It's been 5 months.... Wow 😳 sorry I had completely forgotten about this story, but I remembered and will be posting one chapter every Friday, it might not be big chapters but at least I'm publishing again, sorry I forgot I was really excited for this story when I first made it anyways, see you in the next chapter 🖤

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