Chapter 12

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I just stared, shocked, I felt my face heat up. Why would he do that? He doesnt like me right...? Of course not we are just friends! This is what friends do... Right? I didnt even notice he was chuckling until he started to walk inside, his face was red and he had a slight smile. I stay outside for a bit longer. How long was I out? I'm guessing the whole day... Oh no France! I said we would meet up. I look. at the ground while leaning against the porch's frame. I feel really bad. I sniff, my nose being stuffed, and I cough, a burning liquid comes up my throat but I swallow it quickly (i know you get tiny puke moments dont lie to me.) making me cough more of the bad taste and burning mouth.

"chérie, are you alright?" (Cherie means sweetheart) I heard a familiar voice, I look up to see France. "I'm sorry about today, i got sick-" you say as you sneeze . He chuckles, "shouldn't a sick charmant (lovely) Cherie like you, be resting?" He asks as he leans against the porch frame next to me but on the other side. "I just woke up, plus what are you doing here? Isn't this Ukraines home?" I ask not looking away from the sky. "I was taking a walk, I dont live too far,and you should be inside, the cold season is marching in." He replied calmly. I hear the front door open, and I turn to see Ukraine. "Hey y/n what movie- Oh Hello France!" She interrupted herself. "Bonjour Ukraine! I was just walking by when I saw this magnifique lady." He said softly as his head turns toward me. I didnt hold an expression, but i felt my cheeks warm up.

Ukraine seemed annoyed by his words, but didnt say anything yet. "So Y/n about the movie, is there anything you wanna watch?" I shrugged, "I dont really care as long as its not one of those cringe love stories with fantasy humanoid creatures." (( *COUGH* Twilight *COUGH* )) "Okay! Want some popcorn? I'm gonna take butter out of yours if you want any, since your still sick." Aw man. I love buttered popcorn. "Okay, yes I would like popcorn, thank you!" I replied. France's phone goes off and he answers it, I didnt ease drop- i did, but all I heard was "America I'm on my way home". And i dont remember the rest or even heard it.



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Sorry! I will be slow with updates :(

See you in the next chapter!  🖤

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