Chapter 10

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~Your pov~

We were hugging for a long time, I began to feel awkward, I tried to pull away from the hug but Russia just pulled me back firmly and hugged tighter. This shocked me, but I guess he still needs more time? I just hugged back. Is he okay? Did I miss something? I decided to ask aloud this time. "Is everything okay..? Did something happen?" I say while tracing circles on his back in a calming manner, it always helped me so why not try it for someone else? Ukraine and Canada both walk out of Ukraines room tiredly. I laugh, Russia turns around to see, and he laughs too. "So did you guys ... have fun last night?" I say wiggling my eyes. They both instantly blushed. "NO!!" They both shouted at me and Russia. Im dying of laughter. Ukraine interrupts, "Wanna go out for breakfast this time? Muh dishes are still dirty" She asked. We all agreed. I didn't talk much this morning confused me greatly. Why was he so upset? What was the crashes? Did someone get in? But Russia wouldnt have reacted like that, it was only a few seconds till I came out after, so what happened?

Questions fill my head, I just walk silently, I kept my head low. Russia seemed to notice this while Ukraine and Canada talk to each other. Or shall I say flirting with each other. Russia grabbed my hand and started to massage it. It felt nice and I calmed down a bit, but the questions didn't go away. We arrived at Maycomb Diner, and find a table by the window to sit at. We chose a nice booth, Ukraine and Canada sat by each other, Ukraine by the window. I sat across from Ukraine, by the window as well, and Russia sat next to me. I need to find out how to get back, what if I never go back? Is Dad okay? Is Cassie and Jenna okay? I miss then, I didnt realize I was tearing up until a hand was placed over mine, I turn to see Russia, his expression of guilt and sympathy. I felt.. Pitied. I smile sadly at him, trying to reassure him im okay. The waitress comes and we order. I dont order anything big, and Russia and Ukraine kept trying to give me some of there food due to the little food I ate. 

I denied the food and ate small bit. A firm grip is placed upon my hand. I look to see Russia is expression... It was unreadable. It scared me a bit. "We are not leaving until you eat more." His Russian accent had no emotion in it, it scared me. I think it scared Ukraine and Canada as well, they fell silent. I just slowly nod my head, Im... scared. That gaze, it reminds me so much of when my mother scolded me for everything I did. I ate silently, the grip on my hand never letting loose until I was finished. It was tight I would have thought a bruise would have remained. Russia acted so strange, it frightened me. I stayed closer to Ukraine and Canada after that, but Russia wasnt at all far behind. He acted.. Normal now. It wasnt how everyone here acts... right? Ukraine and Canada didnt act like that. So Im guessing not. Just thinking about it makes me shiver. 

~Russia POV~ 

She needs to take better care of herself, she is so small and light and I swear she looked as if she missed one more meal she could die! I wouldnt just let her not eat. She needs it. Did I scare her? I think I did.. I dont know why I did that it just angered me of how poorly she took care of herself. Its like she wants me to do it for her. That thought made me blush, taking care of her didnt sound half bad- No! She has to return to her world! She cant stay here.. Can she? If she did, she would be well taken care of, by the looks of her state she was never taken proper care of. I could help.. right? Of course I can! I got her to eat, I got her to explore and meet new people! I can do it. I can. I will if she stays. If she even leaves...

~Your Pov~

We walk to the park, it was empty other then a swing set near a child's playground, I as the lame person that I am, ran instantly to it, the others shocked but ran after me. I instantly jumped onto the swing set. Realizing I only ran for the swings they laughed and chuckled. I stick my tongue out with a plain expression. Russia blushed. "You act like such a child Y/n!" Ukraine says while going to push me so I can swing high. I chuckled at her. "Swings are rarely open in the park near my home I havent been on a swing set since... 4th grade!" I laugh as I get high enough I could feel my body leave the seat a little, and slam onto the seat when I went down again. (Idk if any of you experienced that on the swings but I sure did.) I felt the urge to jump off the swing, so I did. Duh, who doesnt do that? But I landed on someone. "Oof!-" i was cut off by hearing someone scoff at the landing. "Oh my God im SO SORRY!!" I jump up and held my hand out to help... France? He gladly took it, when he stood he smiled. "Names France, Cherie!" (Sweetheart) You tilt your head confused. 

"Ah you speak french, no?" He said softly. His voice is so sweet. I stare at him for a while before replying. "N-no I dont.." I stutter with my face red from embarrassment. He chuckles, and then Russia, Canada, and Ukraine rush over to see if im okay. As soon as they see France their gazes soften. "Are you okay Y/n?" Russia asked me completely ignoring France. That was rude, but whatever. "Oh yea im fine, I was just about to introduce myself to France." I smile, my face still red from embarrassment. Russia looks at France, then back at you. He cups your face an inspects your face. "Did he hurt you??" His voice sounded dark. Shivers went down my spine. "N-no! I think im the one that hurt him-" I cut myself off and moved my head out of Russia's hands and looked at France, "Are you okay? I didnt hurt you did I??" I asked worriedly. A felt a dark aura and tension but I didnt care, I practically almost flattened someone! 

France smiled his cheeks turned pink. He grabs my hands gently and looks into my eyes, oh no he's hot. NO!! Stop it Y/n, after all you just met him and you will be leaving this worl anyways, better not get attached to any of them. "Im quite alright Cherie." He said softly, his voice is like a damn angel. I turned a tad pink. "T-thats good! Im so sorry I should have looked where I was jumping." I said, I felt so stupid. I could cry, but I didnt. He is nice and understanding, I like him. Maybe not all countries are bad like America. (( NOTHING AGAINST THAT COUNTRY FOR I LIVE IN IT, GOD BLESS AMERICA U-U ))

~Russia POV~

Fucking SWEETHEART!!!! He called her SWEETHEART. I dont know why but that enraged me. "T-thats good! Im so sorry I should have looked where I was jumping." Y/n said softly, wait is she blushing? Does she... Like him? I glare at France, I can tell he sees me but he isnt looking at me. Instead he continues to talk to Y/n. Why the Hell is she apologizing? He could have hurt her. A hand is placed on my shoulder, I flinch but turn around and I see Ukraine. "You okay?" She asks. i simply nod. Im just mad. Plus its not like they will become friends. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Y/n said that France asked to meet up here tomorrow. Damn. Y/n  whyyyy?? I whined in my head, this isnt like me. What the hell am I doing. I remember the night at the tree and I smile. I wonder if she still has my scarf?

~Your POV~

Russia has been acting odd all day. It worries me. We all start to head back to Ukraines house, its 2:45 PM. We decided to watch some movies while we order a pizza. I didnt want to eat but the thought of what happened earlier this morning stuck to me. I ate two small slices of pizza. It didnt seem to satisfy Russia, but now that I think of it I ate the best I could. I might throw this up later but I dont have to let him know that. Russia kept looking at me time to time, it made me feel uncomfortable maybe he was just worried? After all today was weird. I cant help but worry if he was okay this morning. The movie soon finished and we all decided to watch another one. Today was a pretty chill day. During the movie I start to feel dizzy, I know Im about to puke up whatever I ate, so I rushed to the bathroom, maybe I was too fast to run because Russia was knocking on the door asking if I was okay.

Im greatful he was asking but I usher him that im fine. I think he leaves and I get my fingers ready to gag. (Idk how this shit is done- just bare with me-) I begin the process and I throw up my meal. The pizza and some chunks of my breakfast. Thats when I hear the door open, and Russia is standing there staring at me in disbelief. He is instantly at my side, my eyes become heavy, I feel his grip on me trying to hold me up. He rubs circles on my back and he holds my hair back. Thats all I remember. I wake up on the guest bed in the room Ukraine let me use. Suddenly the door opens and Ukraine is there with medicine and a warm cloth. "What happened?" I was barely able to ask, my throat hurt so bad. I try to sit up, but she pushes me gently back down. 

"Lay down you need rest, here take this." She hands me the medicine, I turn my head away from it. "Dont make me get the Russian." She smirked. "Okay okay!" I take it and drink the medicine, regretting it instantly it tasted like CRAP. I start coughing, she pats my back until i was done. "I never could thank you guys enough for this...I feel so bad.." I lay down in shame. "Its okay, we are willing to help you. And  even if you wanted to fend alone, we wouldnt have let you." She says. I smile weakly. I hate being sick.

1874 words
See you in the next chapter 🖤

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