Chapter 26

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Ethan's POV:

I am speechless while I watch the paramedics work quickly, wheeling her into the back the ambulance. The ambulance starts its loud siren, as it speeds in the direction of the hospital. They wouldn't let us ride with her in the ambulance.

My mind flashes back to just 5 minutes ago when I heard her scream just seconds before Officer Julian ran up the stairs.

Her body on the ground with that guy on top of her – dead, the huge pile of blood on her stomach, her look of defeat, I just can't help but think it's my fault. If I just went with her maybe she'll be okay.

"Hey, guys." I break out of my thoughts and see officer Julian there, "so, we need to take care of the thing in Jayden's room. You guys should go to the hospital."

Chase and I nod. Officer Julian runs out to his car, as I turn to Chase. "Is it alright if you drive?" I ask. I have to call my parents.

"Yeah," he says quietly. I can tell he is taking this hard as well. I'd be an idiot if I said he didn't like her.

We hop in his car in silence. I dial my mom's number. After two rings, she picks up.

"Hey, E," my mom says.

"Mom, is dad there too?" I say, my voice shaky.

"I'll grab him. Is everything okay?"

"Just get dad."

A few more seconds pass, "It's Ethan, something happened," I hear her say. "Okay, he's here, you're on speaker."

"I'm on my way to the hospital." I start.

"What? Ethan, what happened?" My mom panics.

"That man broke in Jayden's room and stabbed her, she's going in an ambulance," I say, as the memories flash back to me.

"Oh my god!" My mom yells.

"Where is the man now?" My dad asks, as I hear a lot of shifting coming from their end.

"Hell," I say sarcastically, "Officer Julian shot him."

"We are almost to the car, we will see you at the hospital." My dad says before hanging up.

"They're coming now too," I say as I rest my phone in my lap. Chase nods.

"She'll be fine, Chase," I say, as I can see the stress and panic on his face.

"I know, but dammit! Why did she have to be in such a shitty situation? She's such a good person, and she just has so much shit in her life. She doesn't deserve this." Chase says as he runs a hand through his hair.

"Fuck dude. We were there. We could've saved her if we went with or kept her downstairs." Chase mumbled.

"I know," I said, mirroring his exact thoughts. "But, if she never came down, he would've had her for longer, and she would probably be dead."

I saw a slight smile on his face. Ha! I knew he was the reason she came down.


Chase, mom, dad, and I were all gathered in the hospital lobby for a few hours, before a doctor finally approached us. "Jayden Riley's family?" He asked, and we all nodded.

"I'm doctor Paul. She had two major injuries. The first was a stab wound. It, thankfully, missed her major organs. I repaired that in surgery. Her second was a head trauma. The back of her head was hit, and that caused a concussion. However, we have to keep a close eye on her because she may have fallen into a coma. It's too early to tell."

"She's okay?" Mom asks, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Yes." The doctor says, as I feel a large smile make its way to my face.

"Can we see her?" Dad asks.

"Yeah, I'll show you to her room." The doctor says, as he starts turning through the halls. We go up the elevator to the third floor. We turn left and head down a few doors before we arrive at room 317. "Please be quiet in here, and do not touch any machines or IVs. If you guys need assistance, press the blue button, but in an emergency press the red button by her bed."

"Thank you so much," Mom says her voice cracking.

"Of course," Doctor Paul says before opening the door to let us in. My eyes immediately fall on Jayden, causing my heart to break. Her skin is pale, and her eyes are shut. She has several tubes coming from her arms, latching on the machines. Her heart monitor beeps at a steady rhythm. She looks at peace but in pain at the same time.

I'm sorry Jayden. How could I let this happen to my sister?


I stand in the doorway and I am frozen.

My mind flashes back to her bedroom. When I ran in there and saw her lying on the ground with blood gushing from her wound. I knew I had to be strong for her in that moment, but now I feel like I can't.

I look at her lying in the hospital bed. She wouldn't be there if I was able to protect her. I failed on her when she needed me. And for that, I don't think I'll ever forgive myself.

"Hey man, hear the beeping?" Ethan asked, walking over to me. I nod. "That's her heartbeat. That means she is alive."

"But the doctor said she might be in a coma," I whisper as I can't take my eyes off Jayden.

"Yeah, she might be. But don't beat yourself up over this. It was out of our control. Hell, the police didn't even know he was in there. She'll be okay. She's a fighter, Chase." Ethan said as he gave me a pat on the back.

I guess he has a point. Her heart is beating now, which means she is alive now. I shouldn't dwell on the past or be fearful of the future. I should just focus on the now. She is alive now.

I walk over to beside the bed, and take her cold hand. I look up at her face. God, she's so beautiful. I notice a strand of her hair falling over her eye, so I make sure to brush it away, and I tuck it behind her ear. 

"Hey gumdrop, I'll be waiting here for you to wake up. Take your time, love." I whisper to her, before adding "but please, sooner than later."

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