Chapter 30

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"Finally," I say as I am wheeled out of the hospital. The bright sun heats up my skin, despite the fact it's freezing out here. I hear everyone chuckle around me.

We arrive at the car and I try to stand up before a quick pain shoots through my wound. I whimper, as I quickly fall back into the wheelchair.

"What's wrong?" Chase asks, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I just have to get used to standing and everything with my wound," I say, flashing him a quick smile.

"Here, let's help you in the car," Ethan says, as he and Chase help lift me into the car. I felt like such a princess in the moment. I smile at the thought.

I buckle up, as everyone else fills the car. I can finally go back to the house. It feels so great to be outside of the tiny, white, hospital room, where the only smell is clean. It's refreshing to leave that place.


We arrive at the house, and I just wanna rest in my room. Maybe watch a few movies, or something, but I just want to be in my own bed.

I get Chase to walk slowly with me, especially up the stairs to ensure I don't break open my stitches or whatever the doctor warned me about.

As I walk down the hallway, I get flashbacks to the day it happened. I felt my heart quickly pick up it's pace, and my breathing becomes heavier.

As I stood in my doorway, I froze. Right here was where I was attacked. It was where I was almost killed. It was where I came face to face with the man who killed my family. It was where he died.

"Jayden?" Chase asks, a concerned look etched onto his face.

"I-" is all I could manage to get out, my throat felt like it was swollen shut.

"It's safe, sweets. He's gone," Chase says bending down so I can look into both of his eyes, "forever."

I do a slight nod, but my legs refuse to move. I almost died right here. I used to wish that the killer took me with my parents. I thought I had nothing to live for, that everything was taken from me. Hell, even my best friend left me. I had nothing.

But when I almost did die? I wished I could stay. For some crazy reason, I wished to stay.

And here I am. Alive. I survived.

"Hey, we don't have to go in. We can go back downstairs," Chase asks, tugging my hand in the direction we came.

"No, it's okay," I say, and with a deep breath, I step into the room, avoiding the spot I was attacked in. I look around. It's the exact same as before. It's like nothing happened. It's clean and tidy, no blood, no body, nothing. Not even a scratch on the wall.

Chase follows me in, taking my hand, "You okay?" he asks, a worried expression on his face.

"I'm okay," I smile slightly.

"Good," Chase says, giving my hand a squeeze before letting go. I walk over to my bed and flop down, instantly regretting my choice.

"Shit," I mutter to myself, feeling a pain shoot through my injury. I clutch my bandage, slowly relieving the throbbing sensation.

"Jesus, Jayden," Chase exclaims, rushing to my side. He puts his hands over mine on the bandage causing my heart to quicken, "you have to be more careful."

"I know, I know," I grumble.

I feel like this is going to be all I hear for the next week or so.

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