Chapter 5

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I wake up to the sun shining through my window. Today is Monday, my first day of school here. I head into my bathroom, and I begin to run the hot water. While it's heating up, I jog to my newly stocked closet and choose my outfit. I decided on a white cropped tank, and a black button up skirt. I grab my undergarments, heading back to the bathroom.

After my shower, I slip on my outfit and blow-dry my straight brown hair. I throw on some mascara, eyeliner, and a light pink lip. Satisfied with my look, I grab one of my old pairs of adidas and head to the kitchen. I found the whole family eating there.

"Wow Jayden, you look really nice," Beth says.

"Thanks," I said blushing slightly from the compliment. "Is it too much?"

"Nope, don't worry about it," John says.

"Yeah, the only thing you should be worried about is being dress coded." Ethan snapped, looking up from his food.

"Ethan!" Beth scolded.

"That's a thing here?" I ask. Back in Florida, we would all wear tank tops, crop tops, and short shorts, to school every day. Nobody really cared. We'd go to the beach after school, so we'd just wear our swimsuits under our outfits.

"Yep, it's very strict," Ethan said with his mouth full.

"Ugh, I'll be right back," I excuse myself before I jog to my room. I throw on a light pink cardigan, and head back downstairs.

"Better?" I ask Ethan.

"Uh, yeah, I guess."

"Alright, Jayden. I'll take you to school right before work, because we have to sort out all the logistics and what not." John says, "So, we should probably leave in like 20 minutes. On a regular day, E would take you."

"I would?" Ethan asks.

"Yes." Beth says, "Oh and Jayden, here's your new phone." She hands me the newest model of the iPhone.

"Oh my god. I can't take this," I say, pushing it away. Those things are way too expensive.

"It's okay. We are pretty well off." She says as she gestures to the mansion. "I put Ethan, John, and my phone numbers inside it already. You have a new number so you would probably want to transport your old contacts here."

"Wow, thank you so much," I say in disbelief.

"It's really no problem. Now, go eat up so you can get to school."


I get my schedule and I begin to walk to first period. Biology. I wander aimlessly around the halls, looking for room 163, while inwardly freaking out. Everyone has friends here already. Am I just supposed to just strike up a conversation out of the blue? I can't do that! I feel my palms getting sweaty, as I hit room 160. 161. 162. 163. I'm outside my class. I peek in and see that the class is filled. 

Oh joy. 

I decide to walk in, and I can feel everyone's eyes on me, and I hear whispers spreading throughout the room.

I walk to a middle aged man, who I presume is the teacher, working at his desk.

"Hi, my name is Jayden. I'm new here," I say quietly.

"Hi Jayden. I've been expecting you. My name is Mr. Wits. I'm happy to have you in my class." He says as I smile.

"Excuse me, class." Oh no, this is what I've been dreading. "This is our new student, Jayden. Jayden, do you want to say something about yourself to the class?" He looks at me expectantly.

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