Proud- Sophia Smith

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Tears formed in my eyes as I heard my name called.

"The Washington Spirit pick Y/N Y/L/N has their #1 pick in the first round. She is only 17."

A tear slipped as I walked up onto the stage. I smiled and wiped it. The lady slipped the Washington Scarf around my neck and we took a picture.

I go my paper out and sniffled. I giggled and so did the crowd.

"Hey guys. Screw this." I said putting the paper away. "I made it. I'm on this stage accepting this. You don't know how long I've dreamt of this. Since the day my older brother taught me to kick a ball and to last time I ever passed him a ball." I wiped a small tear. "Thank you to the Washington Spirit organization. For giving me this amazing opportunity. You have just made a young girls dream come true. I want to thank my Maryland teammates. I love you guys like sisters and you've been there for me since I can remember. Next I would like to thank my brother. Bradley. He can't be here today. And he never will be. But I know he is so proud of me. I'd like to thank my parents and my older sister. You guys have loved me when I'm completely undeserving. Most importantly, I would like to thank my girlfriend Sophia. You've helped me through the flames and here I am. I love you. We are in this for the long run baby. I am so honored to have this opportunity and play the game I so dearly love.  Thank you!" I say and wipe my tears. Everyone gives me a standing ovation.

I step off the stage and a bunch of press come up to me. I go off the side with Fox Soccer.

"Okay Miss. Y/N, congrats!" She says and I giggle.

"Thank you!"

"What is it like being the youngest player to ever be drafted, and the youngest player to be the #1 pick."

I smile, "Honestly, it's surreal. I can't stand up here and say any part of it was easy. I spent hours outside each day. Snow, Shine, Sleet, Rain. My dreams motivated me."

She smiles. "That's a great mentality. Your girlfriend, USWNT star, Sophia Smith, actually just called down to the NWSL. She's crying tears of happiness. Is there anything you'd like to say to her?"

I nod. "Sophia has been there with me since day 1. I was lost when my brother died. She brought me back to life. I fell in love with this brilliant, gorgeous girl. She fell in love with me. It's crazy but, the girl of my dreams fell in love with me. I'm so proud of her though." A smile broke out on my face thinking of her.

"That's beautiful. Well here you have you #1 of the 2020 NWSL draft. Back to you." She says pouting to the camera.

I pulled out my phone and immediately called Sophia. She picked up.

"BABY IM SO PROUD OF YOU!" She yelled and I giggled.

"I love you Soph. I have you to thank for this." I say and she giggles.

"Someone misses meeee" She teases and I groan.

"I only miss your body." I say waiting for a reaction.

"We both know that's a lie." She says and I giggle.

"Your right. I miss you as a whole." She giggles through the phone. I love that laugh.

"You aren't ready for when Spirit plays the Thorns." I say bragging. She scoffs.

"The Thorns are going to win! Spirit has gotten better, I won't lie. Ashley Schantchez has brought that team out of the grave." Sophia says and I laugh.

"Well now they have me!" I yell and she giggle again.

"I'll have to tell my teammates to watch out for the small girl. I'll tell them how much of a pain in the ass you are when you have the ball." She says and I gasp.

"That's not very nice!"

"I'm kidding. Your amazing when you get the ball!" She says and I smile.

"I have to go do media baby." I say and she sighs.

"I hate this whole distance thing." I frown hearing her tone change.

"I'm sorry honey. We will see each other next month!" I say trying to make her happier.

"I guess your right. It doesn't change how much I miss you." I frowned again. She sounded so cute.

"I love you baby. And I miss you. So much. You dont even know." I say and she sniffles. "Aww baby, smile for me!"

"For you."

"Thank you" I smile. "Okay bye baby."

"I LOVE YOU!" She yells quickly thinking I would hang up on her before she said it. I giggled.

"Love you more." I say and hang up.

I love her so much. I love this life. And it's all thanks to Bradley. Thanks Bro. Love you.

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