Life is Complete.- Mal Pugh Sister

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I laced up my cleats, and leaned back up. Today was possibly the biggest game of my life. USWNT scouts were scattered all over the stands.

This was the college championship.

My parents we're here. Everybody I actually cared about was here. Mallory couldn't bother to be though. All I ever wanted as a teenage was a supportive and loving sister, but I never got that.

Ever since she got recruited for the USWNT, she's barely talked to me. Ever. She hasn't sent me anything for my birthday since I turned 16. I'm 19. A sophomore in college.

But guess what, I made it into my dream college without her. Stanford was my home away from home.

Mom and Dad know Mal never talks to me anymore and they just sit and watch. I seriously love my Mom and Dad, but they can't see I'm hurting, and just need my older sister.

Quite frankly, I don't think Mallory even remembers me.

"You ready Pugh? Just another game right?" My best friend Sophia Smith says tapping me on the shoulder. She's a year older than me, but I consider her my family. She reminds me so much of Mallory and what I wish I had in a sister.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I say and get up. Sophia hugs me and rubs my back.

"I love you girl. I'm so proud of everything you've become. Now go kick UNC ass." Soph says getting hyped ultimately hyping me up.

"Your the best Soph." I say and we both walk towards the huddle.

"Okay ladies. Everyone knows their positions. UNC has nothing on us girls! We are Stanford! Now go out there and prove it to them. Let's hand them their asses!" Coach yells and some girls clap there hands and pump themselves.

I however, stay quiet and look down at my hands trying to push away the nerves that appear before every game.

"Your going to do great." Katie Meyer, our goalie said and patted my back. "You always do. ThTs how the Pugh's roll.

I sigh thinking about Mal. I pull up the side of my shirt and look at the tattoo of her name.

'If only she knew how much I missed her'

"LETS GOO GIRLS!!" Our Captain Madison yelled.

We all jumped around and our hands shot up. I ran out to my spot on the top of the circle. I closed my eyes and prayed.

"Let's go Y/N!" I heard Mom yell and I smile at her.

The whistle blows and I revive the ball. I pass it to Bianca and she dribbles it up only to be stopped by a North Carolina defender.

We're in for a long game.


We were far into the second quarter but I haven't gotten the opportunity to check the clock. I'm fairly tired and that only happens around the 80th minute.

I'm playing great. I don't know what got into me, but I'm schooling some of these defenders, it's just the UNC goalie is one of the best in the world for her age.

I receive the ball and look up and play it to Maya Doms. My other best friend on the team. The UNC player kicks it out and Maya picks it up. I make eye contact with her and draw the girl marking me out before sprinting and checking back in.

"Maya!" I yell and she throws it right to my feet. I settle it and kick it in front of me, sprinting after it.

"Number 12, Y/N Pugh receives the ball beautifully." I hear the announcer for Stanford say.

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