Chapter 1 - "Who Likes Who??"

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Jeremy POV:

Friday morning. I walk into school and sat down next to Michael. "Morning dude" he said, taking off his headphones, I fist bumped him and talked. "You coming over after school?" I said with lazyness. He nodded his head, Michael and I go way back. 12 years of friendship, half way through Junior year, I knew this would be a good day.

Soon later, Michael and I got up and walked around the building. "So, Rich told me that Chloe and Brooke are secretly dating but Chloe is with Jake just to cover it up" I stop in my tracks and faced him "Chloe and Brooke? Together?" He nodded, we continued to walk until we met up with Chloe and Jake. "Hey guys, you sitting with the group at lunch?" Chloe said, hanging on to Jake's side.

Michael and I only talk or hang out with the group at lunch, I don't know why. I nodded to Chloe and she trails off, Jake stays behind. "Ya know, I might not be able to be at lunch. Too much sports and I got a 10 minute detention" I tilted my head, I mean.. Jake would get a detention, but how? He's so nice... most of the time. "Dude, school didn't even start yet, how did you already get a detention?" Michael asked, looking curious.

Jake looked around, landing his eyes on a guy. "You see that guy over there? Well he said some shit about Chloe so I got in his face" I stood there saying nothing but nodding. Michael looks to me, weirdly, and then back to Jake. "What a shame..." Michael says, backing up and runs away. I chased after him.

Ring ring ring

Shit, thats the bell. I stop where I was at, took a breath and started walking to class. I suddenly feel someone or something pulling me to the side. I look to see, Rich. "Michael likes someone" he says, putting his feet against the wall. I look around "good for him then... why are you telling me?" Rich looks at me dead in the ass and said "really? Damn, you actually are so obvious" I roll my eyes "cool, im sure he would tell me all about it later"

Rich goes silent. I walk away and head to my class which is... super fun. I take a seat next to Brooke and looked in her direction "Jeremy! are you excited about this weekend?" She said, exited. "What's this weekend? Oh, is it that thing you said earlier?" She takes my hand and punchs it. "No silly, Jake's having a small party for the group tomorrow!" I nodded and faced towards the front. "What time?" I ask, facing the front. She tells me about 7:30

After that class, I grab my stuff and turn around to talk to Brooke. "Rich told me that Michael likes someone, wanna bet on who?" I said with a smile. She smiles back, head tilted "oh Jeremy... I already know who, but im not going to tell you" I did my puppy dog eyes, I learned them from the best. Her. "Please tell me please! Also, how do you and Rich know? I'm his best friend!"

Brooke put a hnad on my shoulder "you'll find out eventually..." and then she walked out of the classroom. I follow behind, going to my next class. Soon enough, time passes. Lunch now, great.

I sit down and turn to Michael "so, I've heard that you like someone... wanna spil?" He shakes his head and keeps eating. "Dude, Jeremy, all of us know who it is besides you" Jake says, leaning back in his chair. I look around at the table. "Michael told you his crush but not me?" Michael suddenly leans forwards "woah woah woah, I did not tell anyone a name" the rest of the table smirked and laughed. "Well, were all assuming its a certain someone" Rich says, fist bumping Jake.

I took a bite "if your not going to tell me who you like then your not coming over after school" Michael, all of a sudden, has his eyes widen. "Okay okay! I'll tell you who I like! Its um..." he looks around "Kropp... yeah, I really like Dustin" the whole table bursts out laughing with Rich falling to the ground. I eyed him "him? You like Dustin Kropp?" Michael nods, I could see sweat on his forehead. "Dude, you are so weird" I chuckled.

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