Chapter 6 - "Heartbreak"

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Michael POV:

Entering school, I go to my locker. It's weird how my locker number is 4200. Once I shut my locker, I had a mini jump scare from Jake. His face was all puffy like he was crying. "C-Chloe broke up with me" he said, I put a hand on his shoulder "do you want to breakdown even more and get it over with?" I said trying to be serious.

Jake's face dropped "there's more?" I nodded.

I led Jake to a table and we both sat down. "Chloe really liked you but she is kinda secretly dating Brooke and used you as a cover up" I said all in one breath. Jake just broke down, crying, putting his head in his hands. Rich saw and comes over "yo, what happened? Is he okay?" I look to Rich, having a hand on Jake's back. "Chloe broke up with him but I told him more"

Rich looks down to Jake, patting his back. "Jake... its okay, lets go play some quick basketball before class starts" Rich said, guiding Jake to the gym.

Jeremy comes next to me, I kissed him and held his side, and leaning against the table "Chloe told him?" He said, watching Jake and Rich walk off. I sorta nodded "kinda, Chloe just broke it off but I told him... just tell him while he's already heartbroken, just to get it over with" Jeremy looks to me. I know, it sounds like im the devil, the bad guy, but its better to tell him all at once then hours in between.

"You sound like satan" Jeremy said, looking to me.

I messed with his hair and smiled "then how it is possible that satan and god are dating?" Jeremy blushes, trying to hide it. "Shut up! Im not god" he said, being sarcastic. "Maybe not, but I know for a fact, you are hella gay for me" I said, holding both his hands, smiling. Jeremy is only gay for me, and no one else. If so, imma kill people.

Ring ring ring

Damnit, the bell. "See you at lunch, Jere" I say, kissing his cheek. Jeremy lets his smile down "I won't be able to see you in hours" he say, pouting. I chuckle and smile "cmon, your going to be late"

Time skip brought you by: me currently listening to "The Goodbye Song" from TPG and being a depressing boi

After school, us guys took Jake out to hang out and make him happier. Let me sum it up, Chloe and Jake talked and they still are good friends, the guys and I just thought to hang out with Jake.

The 4 of us walked into an ice cream shop, they all took seats. "Ice cream on me, tell me what you want and i'll order" I say, still standing. They tell me their orders and I walk up to the counter. "Welcome to our ice cream palace! You here with your friends?" The girl taking our order said. I smiled to her "sure, I just really want my ice cream"

"Im sure you guys had a long day already, let me pay for it, I insist" she says, tilting her head.

I look back to the guys then back to her "2 twists, 1 blue moon, and 1 mint" I put down a $20 and walked back to my table. The guys had looks "Michael, that girl has her eyes on you, damn" Rich says, looking at the girl. I put an arm around Jeremy "she can try but im still gonna be gay"

A few minutes later, the girl comes back with our orders. "Mint?" Jake takes his "twists?" Rich and Jeremy takes them. That means, she still has mine in her hands. She trys to hand me mine but she literally trips on nothing, smashing my ice cream on my hoodie, making it messy.

"Oops! Im so sorry! Let me get that for you! Im so clumsy!" She says, taking a rag and trys to clean up my hoodie.

All the guys has their hands close to their mouth trying to not break out laughing. I stood up and backed away from her. "Stop trying, im not going to be with you! Im gay and I have a boyfriend!" I snapped. Her face changed to innocent to disgusted

She left shortly after, I take a seat again. "Looks like im not going to eat" I say, slumping. "Do you want some of mine?" Jeremy says, holding out his cone. I grab it from him and licked it. Ugh, well this day is gonna be rough. Whatever, im just hoping that Jake forgets about the break up.

We all sat there in silence for a few minutes. All I have been doing is thinking, thinking about my future and what will happen with Jeremy and I. Im scared about losing him.

I got up, took off my hoodie and tying it around my waist. Thank god I had a shirt underneath. The guys stood up too "come on, lets go where Jake wants to go since we're out here for him" Rich says, putting an arm on Jake and I. Rich and Jake start heading towards the door, I put my arm around Jeremy and kissing his forehead hopefully knowing the girl is watching. So she knows im serious.

We hopped in my car and drove to the movies, Jake really wants to see a certain movie. Rich also wants to see that same movie so we figured that, they can go watch their movie while Jeremy and I watch another movie. Once we entered, I pay 4 tickets for 2 separate movies.

Jake and Rich head into their movie room, Jeremy and I sit outside for about 10 minutes to wait until the movie started.

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