Chapter 3 - "Sunday Hangovers + Confessing Crushes?"

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Jeremy POV:

I wake up the next morning, seeing me really close to Michael on the floor. I get up and walk to the kitchen to see everyone awake before Michael and I. "What exactly happened last night?" I said, rubbing my eyes and taking a cup of tea, Christine handed me. "You drunk kissed Michael on his cheek" Brooke said. I think Christine and Brooke are the least drunk, they both rarely drink or they drink but don't finish their first bottle.

I then realized what she said. "I what??" Rich smirked at me for the longest time "whats so funny?" He shows me his phone. He took a picture of me and Michael sleeping. Wait. Us sleeping, Michael shirtless and me... I look down. I'm wearing his hoodie. How did this happen??

I take a seat next to Brooke and put my hands on my head. "Ugh, hangovers..." she patted my back. "If you don't mind answering, how did you end up having Michael's hoodie?" Chloe asked, drinking tea. I turn to her and tried not to blush. "I'm not 100% sure, let's see if Michael knows"

She shrugged and stumbled to Jake, kissing him. The rest of us were sitting at the table, trying to get rid of our hangovers. Minutes later, we heard stumbling and groaning coming closer to us, Michael pops out with shorts and no shirt. "Morning guys... why did it get so chilly all of a sudden?" He said, grabbing tea.

Look at him. I can't look away. I have to look away.

Michael takes a seat next to me, not noticing his sweatshirt on me. "So Michael... why does Jeremy have your sweatshirt?" Rich said, smiling. Michael looks down then to me "its quite a funny story..." he started, laughing too. "He told me he was cold so I offered him my sweatshirt, I didn't realize I didn't have a shirt on until Jeremy kept look-" I slapped his face to cut him off. Luckily, it wasn't bad.

Hours later, around 1pm, Christine and Brooke grouped us together and brung us home. Once I entered my house, my dad was there at the door with his arms crossed. "Did you forget to tell your father where you were going last night?" He said, with a mean stare. I put a hand behind my neck and chuckled quietly "sorry dad... I went to a party with my friends"

He rolled his eyes "so your hungover? Did Michael give you weed again?" Im starting to think that my dad doesn't like Michael's weed "what? No... also, my hangover is almost gone, still feel like shit" I said walking towards the basement.

I went down to my basement, charging my phone, and flopping on the bed. I then sit, realizing I still somehow have Michael's hoodie. I sit in silence for a few minutes before calling Brooke. She answers. "I need help" I say, looking down to Michael's hoodie.

Will I confess? Do I actually like him? never liked him like that before... but he likes Dustin Kropp...

"You never come to me for help, so this has to be something about Michael" Brooke says.

I scoff then thought about. "Look I... I don't know how to say it, I think I like Michael..." I say, pulling up the hood over my head. Brooke squeals "ow, I still have a tiny headache..." I say. "Oh, right, sorry! Its just this is unexpected and so cute!" She says in a high pitch voice.

I lean my head against the wall, cross my legs, and fiddled with Michael's sweatshirt. I can't stop blushing. "Brooke, can you please help? Your like really good and this stuff" over the phone is sounded like rattling keys. "I'll be at your house in 5, we can talk all about this in person" I smile and messed with my hair "sounds good, see you there" we both said bye and hung up. I then get a text from Michael.

Michael Mell: Apocalypse of the Damned? Lv 9?

Me: I think im going to take it easy today, I have a headache. Sorry dude, tomorrow?

Michael Mell: yeah... then ill cya tomorrow

I set down my phone, cleaned up the basement, and now its just waiting on Brooke. I heard the doorbell sound, shes here. I run upstairs "I got it!" I call out before opening the door. "Hey Brooke-" she cut me off and walked inside, heading to the basement. We both took a seat on the bed and she handed me a folder.

She tells me open the folder, I do what she commands and all it is, is pictures. Pictures of Michael and I that we didn't know were taken. "All these pictures were taken by the whole group" Brooke says. I look up to her and stared "there has to be more than a thousand in here... how long were you guys doing this?"

Brooke smiles "since Freshmam year" my eyes widen to her. I can't believe they all did this and kept all these pictures in a folder. I hugged myself, but its more of, hugging Michael's hoodie. Brooke and I were talking hours, and hours on end.

Brooke stands up "I have to go, see you at school tomorrow Mr. Michael's crush" she said, laughing then leaving. I look in my long mirror that shows your fully body and just play with his hoodie. Knowing what Brooke said, I chuckled and blushed.

The rest of the night was playing a game other than Apocalypse of the Damned. I realized that I knew I had to give Michael his hoodie back tomorrow. Ughh I want to keep this but it looks so cute on him.

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