Chapter 16 - "Back Together"

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Michael POV:

A few months ago, I got a job as a lifeguard at the local pool. Yes, im a huge gamer and all that dorky stuff but I really like swimming when I hsve the time.

I sit up in the lifeguard chair and look around the area to find people I miss? Not miss? Ugh, I still regret it to this day, but I love Rich... were happy...

My eyes search them, seeing what's happening.

Jeremy and Jake were there, laughing, having fun.




Im not okay with this... they can not date!!

Why am I getting mad? Why do I care? Shit, I think they saw me. Fuckfuckfuckfuck.

Welp, today is gonna be fun...

"Yo, Michael, your on break" I look down, my co worker is there. I get up and climb down. I keep my eyes on Jake Jeremy, walking over to the snack bar cuz I need food or else imma die.

I order my food and sat outside, on a bench, still keeping my eyes on them.

Ugh, I hate this...

And Rich is supposed to be here today!

Ughhhhh this is a long day....

There now splashing each other in the pool, Jake lifts up Jeremy and he goes face straight in the water with Jake smiling. I hate this. I felt hands go around my neck, I turn to see who it was. Rich. He sat next to me and I kissed him "you gonna eat that?" I handed him a piece of my pretzel and he took a bite.

I can't get my eyes away from them. Their not allowed to date, wait, why do I care? Ugh... I should've never kissed back. Its been like 2 years, things have changed. I always tried to text Jeremy and apologize but he never answered. I get it, he was angry.

Why didn't he let it go? This is painful. Also, I would never thought they would get together. I guess I was completely wrong. Seriously, why is Jeremy still angry, he's probably not over me... im not over him. I still really like him, he's my all time crush, he's my best friend.

Rich... me... Jake... Jeremy... this is all wrong. Its supposed to be what it was! Jake and Rich together and Jeremy and I together.

But Rich.... this would destroy him, im now realizing that im the heartbreaker.

I guess I was staring too long, Rich snaps his fingers and calls my name for attention. "Hm? Oh sorry" he takes my hand and squeezes it tightly. "How long are you on break?" I shrugged "about 20-25 minutes"

He stands up and guides me to the edge of the pool. I don't think this is a good idea, Jeremy literally has his back towards me, somehow Jake doesn't notice.

Rich pushes me in and laughs, I fall right behind Jeremy. Once my head reaches the surface, he turns around, our faces was inches apart. "Hey..." I said.

Water was dripping, eyes shot open. "Uh... sup" after that we both move back a bit. "So... how are you this last year?" I asked, trying to be nice. Geez, this is not going to go well, I know it. "Good, im fine" okay, that was a total lie. "You?" He asked. " good" shit why did I say that. Fuck.

He nods, I swim back to the edge and jump out of the water. "What was that??" Rich asked, trying to catch up to me while I walk to the station and grab a towel.

"Nothing, just talking" I pull a cigarette out of my bag and we walk over and sat down near the fence, oh and no one can see it so im fine.

"Mikey... smoking is bad" Rich said. I roll my eyes and tap the ash. "At least this one doesn't have weed mixed in"

He takes the cigarette away. "Mikey, your at work"

I steal it back and smoke some more. "Why is Jeremy with Jake? Do you think their dating?"

Wow, Rich cares... he probably misses Jake. Ugh. This is still hurting me. "Yeah, I saw them kiss" I say, again tapping the ashes. I think Rich feels the same. Like he wants to be with Jake... and Jeremy with I. Rich gasps as soon as I said that, he got up and marched out of the place. I drop my cigarette and put it out, running after Rich.

It looks like he's going to them. Shit... Rich...

Jeremy and Jake were holding hands, Jake has his other hand on Jeremy's waist. Uh no, Rich, no.

"JAKE!" Rich shouted. Jake and Jeremy split apart and looked to him.

"Rich... hey-" Jake tried to speak. I was feet behind him, he was too fast.

Rich gets up in Jeremy's face. "How the fuck dare you kiss him, you should be with someone that isn't Jake because I still love him-" he stops, realizing what he just said.

I walk up to them, Jake stuttered. "R-Rich... I-I-"

Rich takes my hand, and looks up to everyone. "Im sure we all know this is completely wrong. These are the wrong couples, it should've been like before" he turns to me "Michael, I should have never kissed you"

I pull my hand away, Rich looks to Jake. I think tears are forming in his eyes. "Can we all please forget this happened? Im an idiot.... Jake, I really miss you, I love you so much"

I guess were broken up. Sad? Definitely.

I turn to Jeremy, he turns to me. I step closer. Rich and Jake are already kissing. Welp, good for them.

I held out my hand, waiting for Jeremy to take it.

"Jeremy, I know I fucked up... will you please take me back? I miss you and not talking to you... im hurting without you, Jere" I say, pleading.

He smiles a little and he nods "ive been hurting everyday, im depressed, I miss you... Micha"

He takes my hand and pulls me into a hug.

"I love you, Jere" .... "I love you too Micha"

Seconds later a hand on my shoulder "do your love life some other time and back to work, sorry to cut your break short"

I nodded "yeah, one sec" I take both of Jeremy's hands and smile. "Go have fun, but not too much fun to get in trouble.

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