Chapter 14 - "Playing with Hearts"

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Michael POV:

Jake calls us back to the room. Gosh, I feel really bad for him. "He's awake" Jake says, sitting next to Rich on the bed, holding his hand, and smiling. We all gather around them, looking at Rich. "How do you know he's awake?" I ask, putting my hand in one of Jeremy's butt pockets. Jake looks to us, still smiling and shedded a tear. "Because... he squeezed my hand back"

We all start to smile, Jake lays down next to Rich and moves his hair to kiss his head. I really hope he's going to be okay. A doctor comes in, says that there is a 43% hes going to wake up. But we already know he's conscious again. "We will need to do one more test on him, are any of you his immediate family?" The doctor asks, holding a clipboard. We all look around, shaking our heads. "No sir, were all friends" Brooke speaks up.

The doctor hangs up the clipboard, and sets down some needle and medicine. "Well, we need someone from his immediate family to sign off papers" we all stare and looks to each other. "I don't think that's a good idea... his mom is across the country and his dad is an alcoholic" Jake says, standing besides the bed.

We all stood there, saying nothing. I put a hand on the back of my neck, not knowing what to say. "Does he have any siblings over 18?" Doctor asked. We all turn to Jake, all thinking he might know. "Yeah... an older brother" Jake says, shaking.

Time skip brought to you by realizing that George Salazar gets all the depressing songs (mitb = bmc // tree on the hill = tlt)

Rich woke up. Everyone had left. Im still here. Im not sure why but oh well, I could chat it up with him. I grab a chair and pull it up next to him. "Hey... are you okay?" I ask, putting my hand on the bed. His voice was quiet, but calm. He puts his hand on mine. "Its all my fault... I wasn't paying attention" I shake my head.

"Don't blame yourself, its not your fault" I say, not pulling my hand back. Why aren't I? I have a feeling that I have to not pull back.

Rich shakes his head, but he's smiling. "I don't remember much but I remember thinking of this person I love... before the crash"

I gave a smile back. Someone he loves? Jake

We sat in silence, looking at our hands. On top of each other, no one pulling back. "So Rich, is there anything else you remember?" Rich thinks, looking around the room smiling my direction. He shrugs "no... only a sliver"

I moved my hand, stuffing them in my pockets. Rich smiles, he leaned forward, cupping one side of my face and kissed me. What do I do?? He's pulling me into this, I take out my hands from my pocket and placed them both on either side or his face.

Fuck, I cheated... but, Rich is pulling me deep in this kiss. Fuck.

A few seconds later, I pull away. "Michael, years... I liked you for years... I was too embarrassed to actually tell you" Rich says, half smiling. I stare blankly, what the hell do I say? "Rich, I... why didn't you?"

He shrugs, dropping the smile. "Im faking... I really did like Jake but it hurted me watching you with Jeremy and knowing you liked him before you guys got together... im hurting, Michael"

I started to studder "Rich... I-I, you are something... I think I like you to, I need time to process"

He nods "take all the time you need..."

I stand up, and ran out the room.

Getting home, I run up to my room. Crashing on my bed, holding a pillow, tears coming down, processing what happened with Rich. Im going to ball my freaking eyes out... shit.

Me: do I like him?

Inner me: yes

Me: wha-?

Inner me: do you remember last year? For a whole week you let him take your headphones and listen to your music. You like him.

Me: but-

Inner me: your not happy with Jeremy. Your just using him because you wanted to date someone before being in your perfect relationship with your actual crush. Rich Goranski.

Me: I-

Inner me: break up with him. You know he actually likes someone else. Just break his heart.

I smacked my head. "Ah!" I screamed, trying to keep voices out of my head. I just can't... he's going to be heartbroken and he's going to hate me forever.

Jeremy Heere calling...

I look over, picking up my phone. Answering. "Hey Jere!" I said, oh shit oh fuck. "Micha! Hey, are you still at the hospital with Rich? I really miss you, I want to cuddle" I can't. He's too soft. I can't!

I smile "im home, come over" shit. Fuck. Damnit.

Once he's here, I grab him and pull him in my room and we started watching a movie. Cuddling. I can't do this... it will break his heart. But Rich... I really do like him, I don't know... how much do I like both of them?

Ugh, this is torture. Jeremy looks up, and smiles towards me "Micha, you okay? You look... a little bit nervous" I smile to him. Were on my bed, my back to the wall, my arm around Jeremy, him cuddling with me, movie on my computer screen. I kiss his head and rubbed him "yeah, im okay... are you okay?" He nods.

Half way through, I pause the screen and break silence. "Jere... I have to tell you something"

He sits up, and crosses his legs. Shit... I can't do this to him. He'll hate me forever. He's going to hate me and he'll never speak to me again. "Micha? Is everything okay?" Jeremy said, taking my hand.

I took a deep breath. "Jeremy... I like someone else, I kissed Rich"

Jeremy takes his hands away, tears in his eyes "so you cheated on me?"

I nod, having tears. "I-I didn't mean too, Rich kissed me first and I did nothing about it"

Jeremy stands up, and grabs his stuff. He walks away and stands in the doorway. "After all these years... I thought I could trust you, this is what I get for this amazing boyfriend." He takes a breath. "Thanks for nothing, asshole... were over" he turns around and leaves.

I get up, chasing after him. "Jeremy! Wait! I can explain! Please..." I could hear him crying, he runs out the front door. I stood there crying, going back inside and closing the door. I punched the nearest thing.

Both of my mothers hear me, they come to the door and look to me. "Michael? Is everything okay?"

I turn to them, still crying. "Im the worst..."

My mothers come towards me. Hugging me.

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