Chapter 9 - "Planning an Escape"

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Michael POV:

Mr Reyes woke up, I quickly ditched and ran straight to the nearest room. The bathroom. I don't know where anyone is, im having a small panic attack.

I heard a door closed. Good hell, thank god I balled up in the in the tub, with the current closed. Then all of a sudden, I hear a noise I didn't want to hear... someone was pissing, Mr Reyes was taking a wizz and I was in the bathtub.

All I hear is mumbles from him, im so freaking scared

1 notification from the guys

I look down, Jeremy texted the group chat. I am panicking and I am scared to death.

Jeremy Heere: are you guys okay??

Rich Goranski: Reyes went to the bathroom! Isn't that where you are Michael??

I was texting back, shaking my fingers. Im generally in fear, about to cry. A little sound came from my noise. Shit. Fuck

"Hm?" I heard Mr Reyes say.

Jake Dillinger: guys, im ngl im totally freaking out and im scared for whats gonna happen

I turn off my phone. I kept focus on my breathing and the situation. I heard the flush of the toilet and the sink running. Oh god, please hurry. He then leaves the bathroom. I wait in silence for a few seconds just to make sure no one is here. Im just glad he doesn't have any pets

I look down on my phone

Jeremy Heere: MICHAEL?! ARE YOU OKAY??

Rich Goranski: Reyes is leaving the bathroom I think!


Me: im okay, where is going?

Jake Dillinger: he's going downstairs!! Everyone stay where they are! Imma peak out and see if there's a window we can climb out of!

Jeremy Heere: theres a window near me

Rich Goranski: perfect!! Michael, is there a window in the bathroom or something?

Me: no

I silently opened the bathroom, peered, and tip toed to the closet Rich and Jake were in but...

"Michael?" I turn around. Mr Reyes is there, holding a plate of food. Shit.

Thank god I was the one that got caught. I stood tall and waved "uh hi, Mr Reyes... I-I thought this was my friend's house" I lied. Im going to fail, he's going to tell my parents, the school, the police

He set down his plate on a table and crossed his arms looking at me. "Uh huh... sure, then why are you sneaking around?" I fake chuckled. The guys are hearing and watching me get caught. Fuck, dude.

All I have to do is only let Mr Reyes catch me instead of anyone else. "Im sorry Mr Reyes, I swear, I didn't mean it like this, I this was my friends house" I say, turning around so that I was in his spot and Reyes is in mine.

I look down at my phone quickly

Jake Dillinger: Jeremy will try to escape, stall him as long as possible!

I look past Mr Reyes shoulder, Jeremy is crouching down, going to the window and trying to call through it. Im trying to stall him for a good few minutes, I think it's working. Rich and Jake comes out of the closet and heads over to the window.

I stall him for a little longer. "Michael, im going to have to call your parents" my eyes widen "no, im really sorry, please, don't call them" Mr Reyes has this stare in his eyes. "Then ill just have you fail my class for the semester" I let out a breath "anything... just not tell anyone about this please" he nodded and he walked me downstairs. "Go home and get rest, I'll see you in class tomorrow, Michael"

I walked out and closed the door behind me, I ran to the side of the house. Thank god they all got down safely and quietly. I ran up to Jeremy, hugging him and putting a hand behind his head. "Oh my god Jeremy, im so glad your safe"

He kisses me, I wiped his tears "Jere, im fine... don't cry, please..." Rich and Jake pats me on the back and appreciates me. Im just happy he won't call my parents, but I'll be failing his class... oh well, at least the other guys didn't get caught.

We started walking away from the house, Rich literally fell asleep so Jake held him. We took pictures so we could mock him at school... today, since its getting close to 12am, I look at my phone. Why don't you look at that, its 12:05am

Half way home, Jake takes home a sleeping Rich to his house. Jeremy and I walked to his house, im too tired, im just going to get clothes from my house early

We silently got downstairs to Jeremy's basement. I flopped on the couch, pulling him next to me "if you like it or not, we're cuddling Jere"

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