Chapter 10 - "New Girlfriend"

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A few days later - Friday
Jeremy POV:

Turns out, school got cancelled due to some health concern that I don't know what it is. Michael is still here... sleeping, he looks cute "Jeremy! Come up, I have a surprise!" My dad yelled. I groaned, getting out of bed and going upstairs. I walk into the living and see something, really unexpected. Evan and an older woman is in my house. "Dad... what's going on?"

He puts an arm around the woman's waist "son, I have something to tell you"

I crossed my arms, being concerned "I think I have an idea about what your gonna say but go ahead"

My dad smiles to the woman then back to me "this is Heidi, we are together... she and her son Evan are going to move in with us"

Instead of yelling or getting mad, I just walked away and went back downstairs. I got back into bed and wrapped my arms around Michael. "Morning, Jere, I see your awake" he said, turning around. I kissed his cheek and rolled my eyes. "Sorry... my dad just gave me news I didn't want to hear" I say, looking in his eyes.

He put a hand on my face and half smiled "im sorry about that Jere... hey, at least there's no school today and we could just cuddle" I sat up, he followed suit and rubbed my back. "So, what is the news?"

I put my hands in my face, being annoyed "dad has a new girlfriend, which im fine with but she and Evan which his her son is moving in with us" Michael stood up and pulled me up. "Its okay... do you want to go to my house today?" I pulled my arms around him in a hug and put my head under his chin. "Im just feeling really tired... last night was, pff..."

Michael messed with my hair, taking my hand and going upstairs. Oh geez, Michael what are you doing this is bad. "Jeremy, come here" my dad called. He doesn't know Michael's here... shit, oh well, he probably wouldn't care. Michael and I walk in the living room, Evan, Heidi are still here...

"Oh, Michael's here" my dad said. Michael hugs me from behind, wrapping his arms around mine, putting his head on my shoulder. I leaned back on him, my dad introduces Michael to Heidi, dad also tells us to stay here. Probably to get to know each other.

I look out the window, I see Heidi's car in the driveway. Dad and Heidi tells us boys to grab bags from her car and bring them in. I don't know why they can't do it. They have legs, they can walk.

Time skip brought to you by Will Roland and Connolly being perfect and no one arguing about who's better, their both perfect. (Thats just my opinion)

After lunch, were all arguing about the rules and where who's sleeping where. My dad soon enough realized Michael and I were dating probably a few days ago, so he told us some stupid rules which were all the boring, normal rules.

1. Doors stay open
2. No basement
3. No kissing/making out if dad's near
4. No sleeping in the same bed
5. No sex

Some of these rules are stupid, some I can totally understand, and oops... we already broke some.

Currently, Heidi and dad were on the couch, Evan is in the chair, Michael and I were standing up, texting our friends to meet up. "Dad, Evan can just take my room, im never in there anyways" I say, having an arm around Michael's neck. He nods, basically telling me that blah blah blah

Michael and I leaves the house, going to the skating rink to meet up with our friends. Since we were the first ones there, we picked a table for all of us and we both put on our skates. People showed up in that time zone. Jake, Rich, Chloe, Brooke, Michael, and I.

"I guess this is a tripple date" Rich chuckled.

We all chuckled after, everyone were getting on their skates. "Im actually glad to be here than home" I said rolling my eyes, looking to the skate floor. Jake looks at me with a slight shock "you? Not at home? But don't you love playing video games"

I nodded "yeah, I do... its just, my dad gave me horrible news, well I hate it, he loves it"

The gang looks up, looking confused. "Im going to get something to drink for all of us" Michael said, kissing my head before leaving. Im actually super happy to hang out with these people instead of my family. "My dad has a new girlfriend, im fine with that, he just said that she's moving in" the girls gasps, the guys still looked a little confused. "Oh and get this, Evan is her son"

Jake and Rich looks to each other before looking back to me "Hansen?" Jake asked. I nodded. "Yep" I said with popping the 'p'

We skating for a few hours, having fun, me ignoring things at home. After skating, we went to the ice cream shop as yesterday. Ha, the same girl that was hitting on Michael is working today. We all took seats and Michael still offered to pay for everyones.

That same girl from yesterday walk over "hello and welcome my name is Dawn and-" she looks up from her checkbook and looks to Michael. "Oh, its you guys again" she says looking to us, Chloe and Brooke are extremely confused. Rich told them, then the girls started laughing.

Dawn, the girl from yesterday, was still standing there waiting to take our order. "Do you need time to order or can you do it now?" We all look to each other and we all decided our flavors. "We can order now" I say

She writes in her checkbook "let me guess, same from yesterday?" Us guys all kinda nodded. She jotted that down and she looks to the girls "what would you ladies like?" Chloe and Brooke looks on the menu for flavors. "Plain vanilla for me" Brooke says. Huh, I didn't know she likes plain ice cream

Chloe is still looking. Michael puts an arm around me and kissing the side of my head. Dawn tries not to look at him. "Hm, ill have bubblegum" Chloe says.

She writes that in her book. "Ill have those ready in a few minutes" she says, giving Michael a glare before walking away. "Wow... she sounds like a bitch" Chloe said watching Dawn behind the counter.

Once we got our ice cream, we walked out. Michael paying, with a tip. We walked to our cars and sat on top of the back of our cars. "Jere, are you busy this weekend?" Michael asked, leaning on me. I shook my head and played with his hair "nope, I want to get away from home as possible for now"

Michael smiled. "Great! Then you can join me and my moms this weekend, were camping!"

I thought he knew I didn't like camping. Huh. I gave a smile back "sounds fun, when do we leave" Michael moves his head, getting more comfortable "tonight, in a few hours actually" I look to my phone. 5:35pm.

"Cmon, lets go" I said, kissing his head, smiling.

I might hate camping but at least im going to get away from my house for a few days and spend time with my boyfriend and his family.

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