Chapter 17 - "Author Isn't Sorry"

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Cmon! You have to put a smut chapter!
*Smut Warning DUH*
Jeremy POV:

A few weeks later, Michael moved in. He suddenly pins me to the wall in our bed. He roughly kisses me and I lay my arms around him. He moves me away and pushes me to the bed, he traps me.

Michael straddles me and kisses me, hard, I let out tiny moans. He pulls off my shirt, and I do the same for him. Huh, I guess were not going to take it slow and go right into it.

He makes hickies on my neck, oh well, I push his head lower to my groin. "Baby, please...." he said. He came back up and kissed me, rough, with tongue.

He pulled out, unblucked my pants and threw them on the floor and kissed my thighs, going up. Oh my gosh, this is nice.

He takes down my boxers half way and grabbed my member, which is hard, of course. He spat and stroked it. He looks to me, smiling. I put my head down and opened my mouth. He kept eye contact on me at all times.

He lowers his head and starts kissing the tip. I gripped the bed, why? I don't know. "Jere, your good"

I thrusted a little, hitting his mouth. "Woah... we know im top, baby" he goes down, sucking. He bobs his head and doesn't break eye contact.

I kept thrusting, Michael lifts his head, kissing my neck again. "Micha... oh my god" he smiles, and unbuttons his pants and pull down his boxers.

"Do you have protection?" I asked.

He nods, reaching over to the desk drawer, pulling out a condom and ripping the packaging. "Micha-"

"Sh, no talking" he says, grabbing me, kissing me.

He drops my head and puts on the condom, he flips us and he tells me to get on him. I did. I placed on top of his member and slid in. Oh, this is..... oh okay, he's thrusting. I started to moan... a lot...

"Oh my god! Michael!" I said, trying to be quieter

He slaps my ass and pulled my head down for a kiss.

He won't stop, keeps going... faster

"Michael! Im going to cu-!"

He makes grunts as he finished, he came into the condom and I get off him. He takes it off and throws it missing the trash.

"Michael, I love you"

He kisses me and grabs another one. WHAT.

He, again, rips it open and puts it on. He flips me over on my back, and slides in his member. "Oh my-"

Michael leans down, kissing my neck, biting it.

He thrusts, in and out, going fast, making sure im okay. I love this man so much. Okay, now im questioning how does he know what he's doing.

No... not with Rich...

I mean... I kinda did it with Jake...

Okay fine... its fair...

Okayokayokayokayokay this is happen- AH GEEZ

He hit the spot. I looked up to the ceiling and let out my moans.

I look to Michael, he's looking at me, smiling, going the same pace. He then hunches over so his face is above my shoulder, I placed a hand on the back of his head and bit his ear.

Minutes later, we let out all our moans. He threw the condom in the trash, still missed, and flopped over to the other side of the bed. "That was... really good"

Michael smiles and kisses me "im going to take a shower, don't miss me too much" he gets up and leaves.

I put on my boxers and threw a random shirt over my head, walking to the kitchen grabbing something to eat.

I can hear Michael singing in the bathroom....

I love this man, and he loves me. Nothing can ruin us.

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