Chapter 12 - "The Boyfriend / Bad News"

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Jeremy POV:

Monday afternoon, still no school. I had a blast hanging out with Michael and his moms, I wish it could've last longer. Meanwhile, Evan can't stop talking about how his boyfriend coming back to town and its been a week. Evan, new friend, now he's getting on my nerve.

Even if my dad and Heidi marry, im not calling him my step brother.

Im sitting in the chair, reading comic books. Evan is too hyper. My dad and Heidi are working, I really hate my dad for letting them move in. Ugh. Oh, and its worse, Evan invited his boyfriend over. To my house.

Now I guess I can see who he's dating. Look, I really hate Evan and he's sometimes annoying but if anyone bullies him then they better watch out. "Jeremy, he'll be here in 5 minutes!" Evan says, getting exited.

I roll my eyes and go back reading my comic. When suddenly, I get a text from Rich.

Rich Goranski: yo J-Dog, you busy?

I don't know why but he calls me J-Dog... I just go with it. Too lazy to do anything about it.

Me: sorta, my dads gf wants me too watch over her son even tho were literally the same age 🙄

Rich Goranski: cool, ill be there in 10

Me: wait what?

Me: Rich?

Me: why?? Rich??

Me: your an ass

Why is he coming over? He can be such a dick. Oh wait, he is a dick. Most people named Richard nickname themselves to dick... ha. I look over, Evan is jumping up and down, looking out the window. I do the same, I see a car in the driveway, not a car I know so it must be the boyfriends.

A guy steps out, tall, long hair, all in black, holding a cigarette in his hands. Evan runs outside, I get up and stand in the doorway, looking at them. The tall guy immediately pins Evan against the car. They start kissing, blah blah. I look down, Evan is standing on his tippy toes... this reminds me of someone, hm...

Rich and Jake

Yep, Evan is Rich and the boyfriend is like Jake. After they do there lovey dovey thing, they hold hands and walk up to me. "Connor, this is my moms boyfriend's son, Jeremy.... Jeremy this is Connor" Evan said happily. I shook hands with him, Evan lets Connor inside, literally pushing me away.

Really needing Michael right now... I sigh, rolling my eyes. Closing the door behind me, walking into the living room and a veiw I never want to see again. This will haunt me. Evan on the couch, Connor sitting on top of him, shirtless, pulling off Evans, kissing his neck and suddenly goes down to his.. yeah.

[this does not add to the story]

A man with glasses looks in the window, he snaps a pic and pounds on the glass "KINKY!" The man shouts, smiling.

[okay, continue the story]

With that horrifying view, I grab my comic and got out of there as soon as possible. Running down to the basement, I flopped on the bed, putting on one of Michael's hoodie that I totally did not steal from yesterday. Sadly, its not his red one but its his next favorite one.

All of a sudden, I get a phone call. Jake's calling. I pick it up "hello-"

"RICH MIGHT BE DEAD" he screamed.

I quickly sat up, worrying. "What??" I could hear crying from him. "Jake, calm down... what happened?" Heavy breaths on the other line. "Please come to the hospital, alert everyone else, I really need someone here!" He hangs up.

I get outta bed, put on shoes, taking off running to Brooke since she lives closest. I repeatedly knocked on the door, she finally answers. "Jeremy! Oh my gosh, whats wrong" after I catch my breath, I started pulling myself inside. "Hospital... now... Jake needs us... right now" she gaps, she grabs some stuff and we start taking off. Luckily she can drive.

The drive there, I alerted everyone.

Once we got there, we signed in and ran straight to Rich's room. "Jake?" I called out, Brooke and I entering the room. Jake stands up, he's fully on balling his eyes out. We hugged him, then Brooke and I grabbed a chair. "What happened to him" I asked.

Jake wipes his tears "car crash... he might not wake up- he's unconscious" he starts sobbing. I patted him on the back, he turns and hugs me. "Im scared" he simply said, I grabbed him tightly, I knew he was hurting badly, he loves Rich. We all do, but not as much as him.

Chloe and Michael joins us eventually, telling him why happened. Jake tells us what the doctor already said, and what might happen. We all grabbed a chair anc sat around Rich's bed. Talking. Praying.

I remembered, I might have caused this. He was driving to my house. Oh, im so gonna be dead.

I pick up my phone from my pocket and called my dad, he might not answer whatever.

xxx-xxx-xxx is unacceptable, at the tone please record your message or press 1 for more options *beep*

"Hey dad... if im not home for dinner then im at the hospital, don't worry, im fine, one of my friends got in an accident and im here comforting his boyfriend"

I hung up and put down my phone. Michael stood behind me, having his hands on me. I grabbed them and rubbed my fingers "Micha, im fine..." I say, he puts his chin my head "it sounds like your going to cry"

I turn to him, hugging him. "Your right, Rich is our good friend... we're just standing here" I started crying, damnit. Jake takes Rich's hand, squeezes it soft. "I would like a moment alone" Jake says, not taking his eyes off of Rich.

We get the message, and we left them alone in the room.

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