Chapter 5 - "Coming Out to Dad"

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Jeremy POV:

Michael and I walk in my house, going directly to the basement. I throw him a controller and I start up the console and the tv. I back up, accidentally backing up in Michael's lap. I look up to him, smiling. "Oops"

I get off his lap, sitting next to him, are we started playing the game. "So, are you going to tell your dad about us?" Michael said, keeping his focus on the tv screen. I quickly look at him then looking back to the screen "im not sure... I don't think I told him about my sexuality" I said, tensing up. Michael pauses the game and turn towards me "Jere... you have to tell him soon, I'll even be by your side"

I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes "Im scared to tell him... his response" Michael messes with my hair and holds my hand. "I'll be there right by your side, we can tell him now if you want" I nodded and got up "yeah, lets just get it over with..."

Michael and I go upstairs and stand infront of the tv so my dad can focus on me. "Get out of the way Jeremy, im watching tv" my dad said, moving his head trying to see the screen. Man, im so scared what is response will be. Hopefully, my dad will understand and accept me for me. I stand tall, I look over to Michael, he has my hand on my shoulder, I smile and look to him then back to my dad.

"Dad, I need to tell you something" I say, trying not to act scared.

My dad leans back in his chair "go ahead"

I look back to Michael one last time time, he gives me a smile. I smile back before looking to my dad.

"Dad, im bisexual" I stated

My dad suddenly looks shocked. He just looks at me for a while. "Dad?" I say. He stands up, hugging me for a second. "I don't really understand this, but I support you or whatever" my dad isn't really good with talks like these, but im happy he accepts his son for him. I smile, then I turn to Michael. I closed up the gap between us to tightly hug him.

He backs up a little and kisses my cheek. "Im proud of you Jere" Michael said, smiling. I took his hand and put it to my heart "now, this is love" I say blushing.

Michael's hand guided me back downstairs. I laid on my back on the bed, Michael straddle's me. He leans down to kiss me. We keep kissing, I pull away to catch air and pushed hair out of his face.

"I love you Jeremy" Michael blushed. "I love you more Michael" I said, standing up.

He pulls me back down into his lap, his head on my shoulder, his arms on mine. "I want cuddles"

I smile and lay my head back. I reach over to grab the tv remote and turn on a movie. Michael grabs and covers me with blankets. "Micha... I think I have enough-" he stops me "sh, movies on" he smiles. I laugh and we watched movies and played games for the rest of the night before Michael had to go.

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