Chapter 7 - "Richjake?" [BONUS]

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Rich POV:

Jake and I took our seats and waiting for the movie to start. I look to Jake "hey, are you feeling better from earlier?" He looks to me "yeah, are you?" Why is he asking me about it? This is all focusing on him. Im starring to wonder why he's asking me. Unless... no.

Is Jake bi too?

I set down my drink in the cup holder "yeah... why are you asking? I thought this was supposed to be all about forgetting girls and stupid drama" Jake smiles to me. Why is he smiling like that? He's straight so he can't possibly have a crush on me. "Look, Rich, I think I want today to be about us guys hanging out even though the other 2 knuckleheads are probably making out in there movies"

We both chuckled. I mean... he's probably not to far off from the truth. I've know Jake almost my whole life, we're best friends, im his short side and he's my tall side. Is that even a thing? Probably not. I suddenly feel something from my stomach, its not lack of food, not restroom, what could it be?

The lights dimmed, which means the movie is starting in a few minutes. I set my arm on the rest, Jake suddenly puts his arm on mine. We look to each other, no one pulled back.

Jake leans in and whispers "I think I like you more than a friend"

Me being me, a dumbass, I kissed him. "I really like you too, Jake... but arent you straight?"

"Im pan" Jake says, smiling

I smile back and held his hand just when the movie was starting.

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