Chapter 11 - "Camping with the Mells"

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Friday night
His mothers will be called  "mom" and "mum"
Michael POV:

Its about 8:42pm, Jeremy is fast asleep on me while driving up to my family's small cabin. I shake him slightly to wake him up. "Jere" a small noise come from him, I think he's waking up. "Hm? ...Micha, im tired" he responded. I shook him again "Jere, come on wake up" he eventually wakes up and we both get out and grab our bags, heading in the cabin.

We set down our things and I gave Jeremy a tour of our cabin. "I hope you boys don't mind sharing a room together" my mom said. Pft, of course we'll be find sharing a room. We'll be sharing a bed... not like that, but you know what I mean!

"Yeah, it's fine mom" I responded.

The rest of the night was bonding, and roasting some delicious s'mores... and I may or may not have started a war about who's the better couple.

Me: *sends picture* ha! My boyf is better 😌

Rich Goranski: HEY! I WANT SMORES!

Jake Dillinger: I disagree! My boyfriend is!

Chloe Valentine: your all dumb, me and Brooke are clearly the best couple.

Jeremy Heere: awwweee Micha!

Jake Dillinger: I love my boyfriend more that Michael loves Jeremy

Rich Goranski: HA BITCH! Hehe.. love you Jakey

Jake Dillinger: anytime 😉 babe come upstairs im getting cold

Chloe Valentine: awe! Thats so gay!

Jeremy Heere: you are literally gay too Chlo

Chloe Valentine: 🖕🏻

Brooke Lohst: seriously my girlfriend just got me Pinkberry! ☺️

Chloe Valentine: ❤️

I set down my phone, Jeremy does the same. Both our phones were going off constantly. We laugh and turned on do not disturb. "Jere, my mothers know about us, I hope your fine with that" I said, reaching over to grab his hand. Jebus, hes so cute when he's covered in a blanket by the fire. I love him.

Time skip brought to you by me drawing a pacman tattoo on my arm with a marker

Im normally the first one up, I make breakfast for everyone and wait until their all awake. "Honey, did you cook this for us?" Mum said. I set down my coffee and nodded. "Yeah, I got bored waiting for everyone to get up so today I thought I would make breakfast for you, mom, and Jere"

My mum kissed my cheek, and smiles. "I knew you and Jeremy were gonna get together one day"

I was embarrassed "mum!" She laughs, grabs the newspaper and starts reading at the table. "We love you, Michael" I finished my plate and dumped it in the sink along with my cup. "Mum, when did you figure out that you were into girls?"

My mum looks to me. "Why do you ask?" I leaned against a counter and shrugged. "I'm just curious"

My mum sets down the newspaper and crosses her legs "I realized when I was half way through my sophomore year, I came out to my family at the start of junior year, I came out to the world when I was a senior" I nodded my head. "Why? Is someone bulling you at school?"

I stand up "no! Well, not that I know of..." my mum stands up and hugs me. "No matter what, you just keep being you. Don't let anyone bring you down"

"And if anyone does say something then I will hurt them" I turn my head, Jeremys awake... and his hair looks crazy stupid. He comes walking up, I put my arm around his waist and kissed his cheek. "Morning sleepy head" I say to Jeremy. He yawns and grabs a drink and falls back to me. "So what were you guys talking about?" He asked, being curious.

I half smiled to him and to my mum. "You wouldn't understand cuz your not fully gay" Jeremy gasps and acted shocked. "Hey! Im half gay! Its call bisexual!"

I kissed his forehead and fully smiled "go get something to eat, Jere, were going hiking" Jeremy sighs and grabs a plate and sits down. My mom walks in the kitchen, she's already dressed for a hike. "Good morning boys, morning honey" she said, being in a good mood.

I take a seat next to Jeremy "mom, your in a good mood this morning" she kisses my head and smiles to me. "I can't wait to show you the trail were hiking on today!" I knew Jeremy hating camping but I knew he came along to get away from home and spend time with his amazing boyf

Yes, Jere and I call ourselves boyf intstead of boyfriends

About an hour later, we walked outside and started our hike. Half way up a hill, Jeremy stops. "K-keep going... im going to catch my... breath" he says, almost falling over, I caught him from behind. "Hey, you alright Jere?" I ask, helping him regain balance. "This is torture, how dare you make me do this"

I make a hand gesture to my moms, saying that they can keep hiking and we'll catch up eventually.

I pull out a water bottle from my bag and handed it to Jeremy. "Drink, your dehydrated" he takes the bottle and basically chugs it. I have more in my bag. We start walking slowly up the hill again. "We're almost there, Jere... after this were crossing a river I think my mom said" he let out a groan and we kept walking up the hill

We reached the stop of the hill, Jeremy and I were holding hands. "It's almost done, we just have to cross this path then we will be back on camp site" I say looking to him. Jeremy pulls me into a hug and I ruffled his hair. "Micha, how do you live like this, 5 times per year" Jeremy said, as we go down the hill and start to cross. "Because im fit, unlike you" I said with sarcasm and love.

Jeremy glares and me and pushes me forward. "Hey!"

After we crossed the path, we entered the camp site again. Now we just gotta walk back to our cabin. "See it wasn't that hard" I say, patting Jeremy on the back.

Jeremy dramatically falls to the ground "ah, how dare you make me hike" I help him up, kissing him on the cheek and slipping my hand in his "you love me... I mean, you would rather hike then getting angry back at home"

As we walk back, Jeremy and I sit on the stairs outside, enjoying the sunny weather and this beautiful view in the distance. We left our phones inside, no people near us, just me and Jeremy. I lay my head on his shoulder and looking at the veiw.

Jeremy wraps his arms around me, trying to pull me closer to him. "Micha, I just want to appreciate you for everything you do for me... all these years" he calmly says, kissing my head. I moved my head so I was more comfortable, gosh, I love him.

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