Chapter 2 - "Time to Party"

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Michael POV:

We entered Jeremy's house after school and run down to the basement. He turned on the console, handed me a controller, and started Apocalypse of the Damned. I paused as we started "wait wait, wanna make a bet? Loser... buys both a slushy for the rest of the week?" Jeremy nodded and unpaused.

About 2 hours later, we turn off the console and hung out in the basement. "Yo, Jer, can I have a smoke?" He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, just go to the window" I stood up and walked over to the window and started to smoke weed. I don't think his dad minds, all I gotta do is not make a mess. "Are we going to ignore your crush?" Jeremy said.

He thinks I like Dustin Kropp instead of him. I look over to him and chuckled "I don't wanna talk about it, kay?" Jeremy crossed his arms and stared. "Whatever man, you sleeping over tonight?" I nodded and smoked my weed again. Now realizing, Jake has that small party were going to... all of them are so going to make fun of me anyway they can... you dicks. I roll my eyes thinking about that.

The next day - before the party

Jeremy and I walked over to my house, I took my car keys and we drove to Jake's in my PT Cruizer. The whole ride there was basically fighting over what music to listen too. Once we got there, I knocked on the door, Jake let us inside. I guess we were the last ones, everyone else is here. Chloe stumbles over and handed us beers, she's already drunk... probably.

All of us were in the living rooms, sitting or standing wherever. "Ooh guys! We should play a game!" Brooke says jumping up and down, exited. We all agreed on truth and dare and gathered on the floor in a circle. "I guess I'll start first... Rich, truth or dare?" Jake said, taking a drink. "Dare" Rich says, winking

Rich always goes for dares first. I personally, go for truths first, but eventually go for dare. I look over to Jeremy, he's smiling at something on his phone, it's probably memes. Jake finally spoke "okay, I dare you to chug 2 bottles" meaning, bottles of beer. Rich stood up and got another beer and cracked it open. We counted him down and he started chugging, knowing everyone, Rich is going to be the most drunk.

Rich finished his second bottle and burped. Geez, how did he drink that all in under a minute? He looked over to me, smirked. Damnit Rich. "Michael, truth or dare?" He said, wobbing. Jake helped him sit back down and I answered "truth" Rich kept smiking and looked deep in my eyes. "Who's your real crush?" I knew he would start off like that. "J-" I started, I cut myself off quickly, realizing. "I told you guys at lunch yesterday! Dustin Kropp" I lied.

Rich stared at me and laughed. "Bullshit lies! We all know you like Jeremy!" He says, taking a drink from his third beer. "Rich, your drunk, shut up" I snapped with everyone listening. I quickly look over to Jeremy and was blushing a tiny bit. Everyone is either looking at me or Jeremy, I just don't want him to know... yet.

I then look to Brooke "truth or dare?" Brooke answers with truth. I'm trying to think of a truth about relationships or smarts or I don't know... "is it true that you and Chloe go to Pinkberry every Sunday?" They look to each other, then Brooke looks over and me and hair flips "yes, got a problem?" I shook my head and took a sip. Brooke turns to Jeremy, and asks him, he says dare, damnit Jeremy, fuck you Brooke. I knew this would happen at some point. "I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Michael"

I blushed, no one can see since I have tanner, darker skin that anyone so its hard to see from a far. Jeremy looks over to me "uh... no?" Brooke suddenly, takes a drink then points to me. "Dripple dog dare you, no backing out from this Heere" I realized she made a pun, rolling my eyes. Jeremy and I both stand up and before leaving, I said "fuck you guys" and holding up my middle finger.

I close the door behind me, leaned against the wall "you know, we can just talk" Jeremy said, sitting on something. I shrugged my arms "im a bit pissy right now but I just want some weed" Jeremy scoffs and chuckles. "Your half drunk and you want to smoke weed? Your going to get a bad hangover" I nodded my head and look to my phone. "I know... at least it won't be bad as last time"

Jeremy chuckled "yeah... that was not a pretty view to look at but it was damn hilarious" I punched his shoulder and laughed. I look at the time, its not even been a minute yet. Ugh, this is going to be forever. At least I can look at my crush for minutes. I really need to stop thinking how cute he is- ah! Stop that me! I can never tell him, I don't want to ruin our friendship of 12 years...

Minutes past, Jeremy and I were just talking and laughing. Looking down at my phone, I was thinking to myself, could I actually keep a secret forever? I heard from somewhere that it's better to tell that person your feelings. I think its bullshit, but my thoughts are a little wacky from drinking. I heard the doorknob move, opening to see literally everyone with their phones out.

They lowered their phones in disappointment and we exited the closet, back to the living room. "This game is starting to get boring" Christine says, sitting on the couch. Most of us agree, sitting or standing around the living room. "Yo Jake, is it cool if I smoke?" I say getting weed out of my pocket. "Drunk and high? I mean, sure, but don't make a mess" he says, getting another beer. Isn't that his 3rd one??

The rest of the night was most of us getting drunk with me getting both drunk and high. I'm sure Christine told the parents everyone is spending the night since were too drunk to drive home. Chloe falls asleep on Jake, Brooke asleep on the other side of the couch, Rich bundled up on the chair, Christine on an air mattress, and Jeremy and I both fell asleep unexpectedly close to each other on the floor.

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