Chapter 4 - "They Knew??"

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Michael POV:

I walk into school the next morning, people were looking at me. Yesterday evening, I realized that I didn't have my hoodie I always wear, but I knew Jeremy had it so I didn't both to ask if he had it.

I meet up with Jeremy, handing him a slushy seeing how I lost the bet. "Why thank you" he said, taking a slip in my face, he's literally torturing me. I look around then back to him "when can I have my hoodie back? I would like it back soon" I said, puting a hand on the back of my neck, chuckling. Jeremy's face goes a little red and swings open his bag, pulling out my sweatshirt and handing it to me. "Thanks, uh... I could give you one of my other sweatshirts I don't wear anymore"

Jeremy shrugged, we started to walk around the school. He stops me, standing in front "I can't keep this in for any longer, im sorry for ruining our friendship like this but I-" I put a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Nothing is going to ruin our friendship, just tell me" Jeremy kinda looks around and landed his eyes on mine. "You know that saying about not hiding your feelings?" He started, oh boy please tell me what I think it is

Jeremy stands up straight, his mouth opened but another voice spoke. "You guys like each other, we know, just kiss already" Rich said, walking pass us with a smrik and a wink. I turn back to Jeremy, he was blushing. "You were saying?" Jeremy took my hand, in a romantic way, kinda. "It's true... I recently founded out, I like you Michael"

I look deep in his eyes. Jeremy Heere, my best friend, my 1 year crush, my... boyfriend, well not just yet. I smiled and pushed up my glasses "I lied, I never liked Kropp... I liked you, and you only" Jeremy and I just stood there, holding hands, I love this man.

I peek over my shoulder, Brooke is there quietly fangirling. I lock my eyes with Jeremy. "Jeremy, will you be my boyfriend?" Jeremy blushes and nods his head. "Yes... of course, 100%" I chuckled and leaned in for a kiss. Jeremy cups one side of my face and kissed me before I could to him. The kiss was a few seconds, I loved it.

Brooke runs over, squealing. "Eek! Sorry to ruin this perfect moment, you guys are so cute!" Jeremy and I looked to each other and chuckled. "We have to tell the group" I said. "Oh, they already know" Brooke says, calling everyone over. So, it turns out that the whole group was watching us just now. They all walk over smiling.

Rich patted me on the back "oh, we all knew for months" my eyes widen, so did Jeremy's. "You guys knew... for months?!" They all nodded. Brooke hands me a folder. Jeremy takes my arm "before you open the folder, just know that I was embarrassed too"

I laughed, I opened the folder seeing old and new pictures someone took that we were unware of. They all talked about how only they took the pictures and they took pictures since Freshman year. After I looked through some pictures, I closed the folder and handed it back to Brooke. "Make sure you make a scrapbook by years, also keep taking them, I want alot for Senior year too" I said, looking at Jeremy.

Ring ring ring

Damn, the bell. They all left for class, I pull Jeremy back. I hug him and kissed his forehead "don't miss me too much Jere" he blushes, slowly letting go of my hand "I'll see you at lunch, Micha" he let go and slowly walked away, smiling to me. I guess I should probably go too. Ugh, I hate English.

After hours of torture and hell, we're finally at lunch and I get to see my boyfriend. I take a seat next to Chloe and leaned back in my chair. "So, when do you plan on telling Jake?" He looks to me "to tell him what exactly?" I smirked, thank goodness Rich told us the rumors between the group. "I've heard from someone that I'm not naming that you are secretly dating Brooke but covering it with Jake"

Her eyes widen ans she stared off to space. I poked at my food before eating some. "Your right... can you please keep a secret? Please?" She said with fear and embarrassment in her eyes. I nodded "My gaming friends had me keep a secret like that too" she puts a hand on my shoulder "thank you, Michael"

I heard a voice behind me "your trying to steal my gay boyfriend, Chloe? Huh?" I turn around, Jeremy walks up and sits next to me. I greeted him with a kiss, and ruffled his hair. "Ew no, and if he wasn't gay, I still wouldn't date him" Chloe said, looking to her phone and not eating anything. "Ouch, that hurts" I said.

Let me break it down: im gay, Jeremy and Rich are bisexual, Jake is pansexual, Brooke is lesbian, and Chloe is probably pansexual too, I'm not sure though.

Everyone soon enough takes a seat. I stare to Rich knowing he and Brooke took most of those pictures of Jeremy and I. "Why you looking at me for? Brooke started the folder!" Rich said, laughing in the middle of his words. I keep looking, while I lower my head to ear some food. Wow, I look like a creepy stalker.

Jeremy hits me on the shoulder "Micha! Give some attention, im fussy and impatient" I chuckle and look to him, grabbing his hand. "You having a rough day already? Let me take care of it" I say, leaning in and kissing him on the lips. "Aww! That is so gay, please get a room" I heard Chloe say, next to me.

Im just wondering, what will people think? Guys holding hands? Being gay? I personally have never been in an relationship before. Im just nervous about what people will think? Shit... what would our parents think?

My moms would definitely understand, but I can't say the same for Jeremy's dad. Hopefully, he's okay with his son being with a guy. Did Jeremy come out to his dad yet? I look around the room, people are going about there day. Jeremy puts his hands on my cheeks making me look to him "Micha, are you okay? You look frightened" I look at him "yeah uh, I just don't wanna be in school"

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