Chapter 8 - "Guys Night"

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Jeremy POV:

After the movies, the guys and I all went to the park for a few hours. We sat at a bench and talked. Rich sat on the actual table "guys... Jake and I have an announcement" he says, smiling to Jake. We all turn to him, Rich takes Jake's hands "lets just say that we cute"

I clapped my hands like a kid "oh my god! Congrats you guys!" Ohmygod ohmygod, I knew this day would come, i've always though Rich had a little spark of flame for Jake. They would be perfect together, even tho Rich would have to stand on his tippy toes to kiss him.

"Who wanna bet that I can climb that tree?" Jake says, pointing over to a tree.

We all chanted "Jake! Jake! Jake!" We followed behind him as hr makes his way to tbe tree.

He starts to climb, Rich starts to worry "please don't get hurt Jakey"

Jake reaches the top. I could hear another voice coming from the tree, it wasn't Jake. He looks down at us "guys, could you just back up a bit?" He said moving his hands, we moved out of the way. A kid about our age climbs down, Jake follows behind the kid. He looked familiar, I swear I could've seen him before.

"You all know Evan Hansen, he goes to our school" Jake introduces us

That's where i've seen him! Throughout the halls!

"I-I-I already know you guys... your popular" Evan says, being shy.

We started talking with Evan, asking him why he was up in the tree. Apparently his boyfriend is out of town and he misses him too much. I don't know. All of us started to walk back to our bench, getting to know more about him and being friends. He looks so innocent, he's so kind and sweet.

About an hour later, it was starting to get dark. I offered everyone to come hang out at mine, they all agreed, even Evan, so we walked to my house. It wasn't that far.

We walked in and headed straight to the basement, I suggested things "maybe we could play video games or maybe we could... I actually don't know" Michael grabbed my hand, and kissed my cheek "or maybe we all can sneek out late at night and spy on the girls and make fun of them"

I chuckled "Michael no-" Rich immediately cut me off and smiled "Michael yes" I rolled my eyes. "Evan, are you alright sneaking out tonight?" Jake says, putting a hand on his shoulder. Evan looks down and fiddles with his thumbs "I-I would have to ask my mom..."

Jake chuckled "Evan, you don't ask anyone, that's the point of sneaking out"

Evan let out a little "oh"

Time skip brought to you by West End BMC cast being cute

Michael, Rich, Jake, and I met up by a corner near Brooke's house. Once we got to her house, we sneaked to the side of the house and climbed up to her bedroom window. "Guys... is she livestreaming?" Rich asked, pointing. Brooke has her back towards us, her laptop is open and on a camera. We can't really see that much, she's blocking most of the screen. Her lights are on and we can hear her talking.

We pulled out our phones and took all sorts of pictures and videos until...

"By the way, you have 4 boys outside your window" Brooke said, probably reading a comment.

Before she turned around, we all ducked down the best we could. I heard footsteps, I think she's coming this way. Michael, Rich, Jake, and I were wearing black or whatever's close to dark colors so it was harder to see us. I heard something opening. Oh shit oh fuck. She popped her head outside and peered around before closing her window.

After a few seconds of waiting, we all got back up and dusted ourselves off. "Holy shit, that was close!" Jake said, smiling. "How about we get outta here and maybe spy on Christine" Michael said, getting down from the house. We all followed suit. Oh geez, what are we gonna do next. We made it on the sidewalk and im getting a call.

I search through my pockets and grab my phone. Oh shit, Brooke's calling. "Guys, its Brooke" I said to them getting nervous. Rich took the phone out of my hands and answered it. "Jeremy is busy" he said, then hanging up, giving my phone back. "Jesus Rich, stop acting like a badass" I say, smiling. He sarcastically pushed me, I pushed back

"Welp guys, its almost 11pm, do we want to spy on Christine or Chloe or..?" Jake asked, looking at his phone.

"I think Christine is sleeping, you know how she is when auditions is in a month" I say, looking back to Brooke's house

Michael puts an arm around me "I think we shouldn't hit up Chloe's house but what about a teacher's house?" I glared at him. "A teachers house?" Michael nods, Jake has Rich on his back, giving him a piggyback ride. They turn around, they were walking infront of us. "What teacher?" Jake asked, holding on to Rich's leg.

Michael nods again "Mr Reyes doesn't live that far from here, I know where he lives" we all looked at each other, then to Michael. I always knew he was some kind of stalker. I guess where gonna stalk our teacher.

After about 10 minutes of walking, we all walked onto his property. Rich gets out his phone, videoing the house and everything. He has an auto sensor light in the front, so we snuck through the side. Jake set down Rich on the ground. We all looked around the area if we can climb up and find a window. Wait... I think I hear a noise.

*insert Mr Reyes' snoring*

Is that... is that Mr Reyes sleeping? Some of his lights are on, and he's sleeping. I look over to the guys and laugh "guys, hes sleeping, can't you hear it?" They all look around, trying to hear. They all went "oohhh"

Rich points "guys look, a side door, wanna head inside?"

I tilted my head "I don't think we shoul-" Jake cuts me off "oh my god, yes, lets go"

I guess were going inside our teachers house. We all ran up to the side door and Michael put a hand on the doorknob. "Whatever happens, we are going to keep it a secret... well, for at least a few days" Michael said

We all nodded, Michael opens the door. The door wasn't even locked. We all headed inside, I closed the door behind me. Holy hell, were inside a teachers house. Oh, we're gonna get caught.

Jake loud whispers "guys! Come in the kitchen to the pantry!" We all headed over there and open the pantry.

Hot Pockets... nothing but Hot Pockets.

We walked around the house, taking pictures, and videos, trying not to be super loud. Eventually, we got upstairs and tried to peak into Mr Reyes' room.

Uh oh. He's waking up. Oh shit oh fuck.

We all quickly hid. Michael ran to the nearest room which was the bathroom, Rich and Jake, in a tight closet, and I almost got caught. Almost. I ran and jumped behind a desk with lots of papers, probably all his students papers.

I knew we were going to get caught! Shit!

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