Chapter 15 - "Times Flies"

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Jeremy POV:

Its been 2 years, still single, still depressed after things ended with Michael.

I grated high school, moved out, living on my own in an apartment, being lonely. Jake and I have recently been hanging out together. He's actually coming over to hang out.

I go on my instagram and again im more depressed.


Richbitch_goranski: am I seeking attention or annoying my bae? 😘❤️ ilysm Mikey @/imgayer1

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Richbitch_goranski: am I seeking attention or annoying my bae? 😘❤️ ilysm Mikey @/imgayer1

Comments (5) aww!! You guyss!! ❤️
Imgayer1: both 🙄❤️❤️❤️
Chlo.valday: ew thats so gay
Richbitch_goranski: @/imgayer1 😘😘
Richbitch_gorasnki: @/chlo.valday you shouldn't be talking

Welp, my depression rate went up 100%

Knock knock

I open my door and Jake is here, I let him inside and we both sat on the couch watching tv. "So, how have you been?" Jake asked. I look to him, nodding. "Even more depressed after looking at instagram today"

Jake pulls up his phone and looks at the same post I did. He takes a breath and puts down the phone. Im wondering how Jake feels. "You okay, Jake?" I asked.

He nods slowly, and looks to me. "Nope, im guessing they still break your heart too?" I nodded. So, I guess I was right, Jake does feel the same as I do.

We sit in silence for a few seconds until Jake scoots closer, wrapped his arms around me, and pressed his lips on mine. Okay... Jake's kissing me... what do I do...

I do the same, I placed my hands on his waist and kissed back. Jake pulls out for a second, stands up and pulls me up with him. We kiss again. Jake starts lifting my shirt, I was squeamish, I never gone any further than this.

"Jeremy, your okay... just follow my lead" Jake says smiling. He takes off my shirt and presses his hands on my chest, feeling around.

I don't know what to do, im freaking out... just follow his lead and it would be okay. I moved my hands around his neck and his hands on my waist, slowly moving to my behind.

He starts walking, I follow him. He leads us to the bedroom. Oh geez, oh shit, imma mess this up somehow. Im nervous, this is my first time.

Jake lays me down on the bed, he climbs up on me and starts kissing me, trailing down to my neck. This is gonna go unexpectedly, I mean... im sure Jake knows what he's doing. But I don't!

Jake takes a look at me "I will never hurt you... you just have to tell me if its too far for you" he kissed me again.

I tug on his shirt, pulling it off "Jakey..." I pull his head down to my neck, I see his head go down to the top of my pants, tugging on them. I close my eyes and hung my mouth open. No sounds came out.

He unbuckles my belt and slides off my pants. Okay okay okay okay this is happening, Jake pulls me up further on the bed and he kisses my neck again.

"Please... don't give me too dark of a hickey..." I say

He nods and kiss my lips. I can't believe this is actually happening okayokayokayokay im legit going to scream. I take deep breath, trying to act super calm while I scream to my top of my lungs on the inside.

Jake started tugging, pulling down my boxers but I stopped him, putting a hand on his arm "wait, do you have protection?" He kisses me again. "Of course, I always come prepare... its in my jacket"

I reach over and grab his jacket. Jake lifts his top half so he's straddling me. I pull out a condom from the jacket and handed it to him.

Time skip (cuz duh) brought to you by I made a new challenge, called the Jake Dillinger challenge. You have to post a pic or video of you raising your crutches (and if you want you can wear a cowboy hat)

After we finished, we both pulled up our pants and I throw on my shirt, Jake stayed shirtless. "Jake I-" he cut me off, hugging me, and kissed me. "Do you want to be together? Maybe show them that were a better couple?"

I take his hand and smiled "of course" we went out of the bedroom and cuddled on the couch.

Oh. My. God. Im with Jake, Rich and Michael are together, I feel like this is wrong. I feel like it should be me with Michael and Jake with Rich...

I laied my head on Jakes lap, he starts petting my hair like im a pet. "So, I should move in then?" Jake said probably be sarcastic and a little serious.

I look up to him "I mean... im not stopping you"

Jake gets up and pulls me up "cmon, im taking you somewhere" we get ready and Jake drives us... it looks like the pool.

I look to Jake "I didn't bring swimtrunks" he parks the car and looks to me "you can borrow mine, they might be big on you"

We both get out of the car, Jake heads to the trunk and grabs swintrunks "and you have these randomly in your trunk because...?" He smiles, and kisses my cheek. "Because if you don't remember, most of high school, I was champ of water polo"

I smile and take the swimtrunks, we head inside and got changed. Once we got to the pool area, I immediately regretted it. I gulped and found seats luckily next to the snack bar. Welp, my money will be gone by snacks.

I took off my shoes and all my other clothint exept the swintrunks. Geez, I guess these aren't too big than I thought it would, I mean, yeah, there big on me but im sure they'll stay up.

Jake immediately runs into the water, already getting yelled at for running.

I crossed my arms and chuckled, Jake gets out of the water and comes up to me, holding my waist with one of his hands. I kiss him and push him back.

"Ill show you know its done" I smile. I walked to the edge of the pool, unlike Jake, I get myself ready to jump in and....

"Ah!" Jake pushed me in, he pointed and laughed to me. I wiped my face and pulled him in.

I knew this would be a fun time... Jake and I.

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