Chapter 12: Its Official

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*Joeys POV*

I decided to go to Whole Foods to get myself a yummy smoothie.

When I got home I talked to Meghan and David about what had happened with my mom because I could trust them. They comforted me and gave me advice. Once I finished talking to them I went up to my room. I decided to text Melina since it was getting late and I hadn't talked to her all day long. I called and texted and no reply.

Why wasn't she answering? What was she so busy doing? I was getting suspicious. I just let it go and fell asleep, I needed it after a long hard day and since I was going to have a lot of work to make up in school tomorrow.

*Melinas POV*

I crept out of Connor's bed grabbed my phone, my keys and ran out of the house before Connor woke up. I jumped into my car and drove off to my house.

When I got home I just decided to chill and text people since I was bored.

*hey what r u doing sorry I didn't answer last night*

*just sitting home wanna come over?*

*sure be there in a few*

Looks like I was going to Joey's house now, from one boys house to the next.

I put on deodorant since I didn't have time to take a shower and I changed into a cozy sweatshirt (don't worry I was wearing a shirt underneath), sweatpants and my gray uggs. I put my hair into a quick French braid and just decided to leave my look at that. I trusted Joey enough to look like crap in front of him. On the way I stopped by Starbucks and got myself a cotton candy frappe and a croissant.

I rang the bell and took a big gulp. I was nervous all of a sudden. What if Joey knew about what happened, then what was I going to do? I just played it off like nothing had happened.

"Hey," Meghan greeted cheerfully when she answered the door.

"Hey," I replied back in a glum tone.

Even though it was 12 in the afternoon I was still tired, I was always tired. I never got to eat or sleep because I am always busy.

She let me into her house and told me where Joey's room was located. I walked up and opened the door slowly forgetting to knock. There he was on staring at his laptop editing one of his daily vlogs shirtless. Oh god, he had a better six pack then Connor. He was killing me.

"Hey," I said softly trying not to interrupt him or annoy him.

"Hey you can come sit on my bed with me," he replied still staring at his computer.

I walked over the opposite site of the bed that was free and placed my coach clutch with all my money and keys on it. I say on the bed next to Joey and looked at him.

"Soooo," I said trying to break the silence between us.

He closed his computer and turned to me. Our eyes met and it felt like I was meeting him for the first time.

*Joeys POV*

We locked eyes. Now would be the perfect moment to ask her. Just her and I, alone, in this moment. It was time for it to actually be official.

"Well Melina I was wondering if you actually wanted to go out with me?" I asked closing my eyes and hoping to hear a yes.

I didn't hear anything, all I heard was the sound of our lips touching. I pulled my lips away from hers for a split second.

"So I'm guessing that's a yes?" I asked.

She nodded and leaned back and we continued to passionately kiss.

*Melinas POV*

I put my hand on to Joey's bare chest. He moved me onto his lap to make things easier and more intense. Finally I pulled away and asked if he wanted to do anything else, because I was starting to get bored.

"Let's tweet this moment and hear what the people have to say," he suggested.

We both got out our phone and tweeted the same thing.

*Its official me and Joey/Melina are dating be jelly we love you all <3*


Ok guys I've been keeping up let's hope I don't lose my vibe I love you all make sure to keep reading and favoriting! 💖

~Dom 😘

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