[Zorbyn] (Don't)Look at My Ass

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Ship: Zorbyn

Summary/plot: Corbyn was live on Instagram and the fans asked him to do the Tiktok "Look at my ass" trend with his own little twist. Seeing as he didn't have a boyfriend he did not expect one of his bandmates to react.

Notes:  Zorbyn is cute okay?Cuuutee. The band is a thing here. Also check the media out if you're not familiar with the Tiktok trend I'm talking about. Love yaa hope you enjoy it~



"Have you watched 'The Witcher'?"

Icy blue eyes scanned one of the many sentences that passed by in the comment section of his live. "No, but I'm planning to," he smiled, "Jack said it's sick and the rating's good so yeah." Lithe fingers ran through pale and soft blond locks. "There are so many things on my watch list right now. I don't know if I'll ever have the time to catch up on them." He giggled, reclining against the headboard of his bed.

Corbyn sighed heavily as he read another comment, "You're hella bored aren't you bean? Yup that's true you got me" He laughed, showing his pearly white teeth to all his 17.467 viewers. "What do you guys think I should do?" The blonde rolled around in his bed, trying to find a comfortable position before nuzzling into one of his pillows. The boy was unaware of how many people were cooing at the sight behind the screen of their phones.


"Hang out with the others! Where are they?"

"They're downstairs actually, doing God knows what," He rolled his eyes, "Something stupid or unproductive most likely."


"You're one to talk."

"Emily, don't attack." The blonde laughed, "Wow I don't know Daniel's married," he winked. Corbyn propped his chin onto the pillow as his eyes continued to scan the comments. A few made him smile, especially those who declared their love for him. "I love you guys too! So much." He exclaimed, frozen blue eyes shining with sincerity. "But, really tho. What do you guys think I should do?"


"Go out?"

Corbyn groaned, "Nope too lazy."


"You should take a page outta your friends' book and make a tiktok."




"Holy shit yeah imagine corbs doing a tiktok dance"


"yes please please please do a tiktok dance!"

Corbyn raised his eyebrows as more and more people urge him to make a tiktok video. He never did one before. Well he did, but not like all by himself. He usually did it with his friends or family. "Wow you guys really want me to make a tiktok video that bad?" Dozens of comments flooded in, most of them being positive ones that encouraged him to do it. "Only for you guys," he mumbled. The fans went crazy when he said those words. "How about this," he began after an idea popped into his head, "I know some tiktok dances, so instead of making a whole tiktok video, can I just perform it live to you guys?" He suggested.




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