[Jarbyn] PJs

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Ship: Jarbyn

Summary/plot: Jack was a rich bastard who loved spoiling his baby. So, when Corbyn asked for some PJs, he agreed without a second thought. But unfortunately, they didn't have the same concept of PJs and things turned out waay different then what Corbyn had in mind.

Notes: Okay so the band is not a thing, the boys are older now, like in their mid-twenties, Jack didn't have his curls, he's a wealthy ass businessman, aaand this last one didn't matter but I just wanna point out that Corbyn's an astronomer :).
Oh and also... 3K omg thank you😭💜


Jack Avery was crazy rich.

His father owned one the most successful holding company in the world, Avery Inc., which meant he was born into the elite living situation. Fortunately though, his father raised him right because Jack was one independent boy. He refused to excessively spend his dad's money unless he had some contribution in earning some of them himself. That led him to learning and entering the business world sooner than most people.

Jack graduated from business school at the age of 21. Right after that, he went straight into the family business. He worked his ass off, but it was fine by him since he actually loved his job.

His dad couldn't be more proud.

By the age of 25, his father had already trusted him with the main branch of the company. That was a smart decision because Jack didn't disappoint. The young man produced enough money to buy himself a damn apartment building every month. He was said to be one of the most influential and successful young men. His good looks with somewhat cool demeanor only added to his charms. Most females willingly threw themselves at his feet. The number of people that thirst for him only doubled when he casually told the world that he was in fact, bisexual.

Jack Avery could get whoever the hell he wanted with a mere glance of his pretty brown eyes.

That was the main reason why it confused the fuck out of Corbyn Besson when the socially inept man took an interest in him of all people. He was just a boy in grad school pursuing his master degree in Astronomy. Corbyn didn't come from a family that wiped their asses with a $50 bill. He was just your average, lovely boy who had happened to ran into Jack Avery when he was taking Snuffles, his neighbor's dog, out on a walk at the park.

He could remember that day like it was yesterday.


Flashback (about two years ago)

Corbyn smiled softly as he listened to Snuffles' cute little barks. The little corgi was a happy little thing. His owner, Agnes, was a kind old lady living next door who had some trouble walking these past few days. So Corbyn, being a pure boy he was, volunteered to bring Snuffles on his afternoon walks.

The faux blonde grinned when the dog excitedly circled his legs playfully. He knelt down with a giggle, and ruffled the soft fur of the dog, "Aren't you just precious," he cooed.

Corbyn was so caught up with the corgi that he failed to notice a much larger dog coming his way. The blonde yelped in surprise when the tongue of a German Shepard licked him out of nowhere. Icy blue marbles widen in confusion and surprise before melting into joy. "Hey, there buddy. You're here all by yourself?" Corbyn asked, giving him soft scratches as he looked over the large dog to see if maybe he was with someone. That's most likely was the case considering that the dog had a leash attached to his collar

"There you are!"

The blonde jerked in surprise at the exclamation coming from behind him. Corbyn turned around to find a guy. Said guy was blond and about his age. He was panting softly as he looked at the German shepherd. The blue eyed boy felt like he recognized him from somewhere but he couldn't his finger on it, "Oh, he's with you?" Chestnut eyes flicked to him, as if just realizing he was there in the first place.

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