[Jarbyn]Tattoos and Flowers

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Ship: Jarbyn

Summary/plot: First, They hated each other. Then, they met. Now, they can't get enough of one another.

Notes: Hello! I'm sorry for the late updates. I'm also sorry about this...this is just pure fluff (:

Corbyn is still blonde in this because I'm ✨attached✨

Jack, on the other hand, has his current brown hair.

I just watched the first episode of their documentary and holy shit I love them sm 😭😭

and btw



The sight of the moving van across the street caught his blue eyes. He squinted his eyes when he saw a brunette jumping out of the white vehicle.

"Oh looks like we're getting a new neighbor?"

Ashley Besson looked up at her brother's inquiring tone, "Oh yeah. I heard a couple of guys is opening up a tattoo parlor."

Upon hearing that, Corbyn snapped his head towards his sister, "A tattoo parlor?"

"Yeah," she shrugged.

"Great," he groaned, "Just wonderful."

Ashley raised an eyebrow, "What's with the attitude?"

"Look, I'm not trying to just...blatantly judge here but the last time those type of people came near our shop, it didn't go so overly well," he sighed.

His sister was about to scold him for judging people he had never even met yet, but she bit her tongue. She got where her brother was coming from.

About a few months ago, a few thugs had come into their flower shop drunk and high as all hell on Corbyn's shift. The blonde had politely asked them to leave but, as expected, things had turned for the worst. They'd started to slur out some threats and insults. Some of them had started trashing the place and the one who seemed to be the leader had almost gotten physical with the blonde florist before Daniel, a friend of Corbyn, came out of the bathroom and chased the bastards away.

Needless to say, Corbyn had very little good things to say about people who looked remotely similar to them.

So instead, Ashley laid a hand gently on his shoulder, and smiled, "Give them a chance will you?"

All she got in return was a grumbled out response.


"A fucking flower shop? Seriously?" Jack scoffed.

Zach raised an eyebrow, "Unless you're allergic to flowers, I don't see why you're complaining."

"They sell flowers, Zach. They're probably a bunch of little snowflakes who scoffs at the sight of ink."

"Dude, they're florists. They won't be that bad. Chill," Zach retorted with a roll of his eyes.

"You don't know that, man."

The younger brunette ignored him, and continued moving the boxes inside their new shop.


A happy chime of the bell alerted Ashley of a newcomer.

"Welcome to Besson's Garden how may we help you?" She greeted cheerily. Her bright eyes landed on the brunette she saw last week across the streets. By the number of ink he had on his body as well as the piercings in his ears, the young girl concluded that he must be the owner, or at least one of the owners, of the tattoo parlor.

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