[???]The Gas Station

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Ship: ???

Summary/Plot: A night at the gas station can change everything. Corbyn should have listened to his mother.

Notes: Not me just popping in with a new chapter after being gone for like months lol. Anyway, this one is a Halloween special!! This is the only way I can celebrate Halloween which is sad honestly :(

Important! This oneshot is heavily inspired by a creepy video/story I found on YouTube so some parts are not entirely mine, but I did change a lot of things to fit my plot :)

Oh and Corbyn's still blond here btw.

Sorry for the spelling and grammatical mistakes! Enjoy~


The road was empty and deserted. The only source of light was coming from the headlights of his car. A blur of trees and bushes moved continuously by his window. Soft melody and occasional hums playing softly on the radio were the only sounds accompanying him in the silence of the night.

As always.

He rather liked his job, to be honest. The paycheck was good. His boss was a nice guy. Even his coworkers were nice and welcoming.

The only huge downside was the 40 minute drive he had to do to get to his workplace.

See, he didn't really mind the distance. What bothered him was the late night, lonely drive. He often had night shifts, unfortunately, which meant that he was free to leave at around midnight. He didn't really like the uneasy feeling creeping up on him as he drove in the dark.

His mother always warned him to always keep an eye on his gas tank because he often complained about having to fill up his tank in the middle of the night. Since he was still getting used to this new routine, the advice often slipped his mind. This usually led him to late night visits to a deserted gas station in the middle of nowhere where he constantly had to look over his shoulder every now and then.

Tonight was one of those nights.

He sighed as his icy blue eyes noticed that he needed to refill his tank again. Softly, he cursed his brother for using his car this afternoon to who-knows-where without having the decency to buy some gas.

Corbyn bit his bottom lip as he slowed down when he saw the dim lights coming from the old gas station.

As he slowed down to a stop, he noticed the guy behind the counter inside of the convenience store. Corbyn recognized the clerk. Corbyn remembered them going to the same high school. He didn't really remember his name, but he did remember him being a relatively quiet guy. Some people in his class often dubbed him a 'creep'. Corbyn didn't think much of him. He had just chalked it up as the guy being an antisocial or introverted.

This wasn't the first time Corbyn saw him, obviously, because he had come here a few times before. However, tonight felt a bit...off.

The clerk's eyes zoned in on him the moment his car stopped. It was unnerving to say the least. Corbyn tried to shrug it off, convincing himself that the guy probably recognized him.

The blonde got out of the car, put in about $10, just enough to get him home, swiped his card, and began to pump the gas. He ignored the anxiety building up in his being, thinking that it was just him being paranoid.

He kept his blue eyes firmly on the number climbing higher and higher.

When it got to $10, he shut it off, and printed out the receipt.

Just as he was about to take a breath of relief and got into the car to get the hell out of there, the sound of statics suddenly flared up behind him.

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