[Jorbyn] Weaving Truth

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Ship: Jorbyn

Summary/plot: Jonah was a defense attorney hired to prove his client's, Corbyn Besson, innocence over the murder of his best friend. If only the case were not so complicated...

Notes: This one is requested by xXrosesandvioletsXx who wanted some crime/drama with lawyer AU so I hope I did a decent job with this :"). I'm so sorry for the long ass delay :( I really hope you like it tho!

This story has two timelines so:

Italics means flash back

Normal means present time

And guys sorry if I make some mistakes about the law proceedings and all because I only know basic stuff about American justice system lol

Also sorry in advance for the spelling and grammatical errors, my ass is so tired lmao

I almost made Zach a judge in this story. Like can you imagine that guy as a judge? tf was I thinking...

Btw i hit 10k reads i-


Anyway, enjoy~


Corbyn locked both of his clammy palms together. He let his forehead rest on his interlaced hands as he tried to just...breathe. Light sapphires are nowhere to be seen for he squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't even cry anymore. His eyes were dry and his throat hurt from crying so much and having to have a constant lump in it.

He was dressed nicely. The dress shirt was neatly ironed. His blazer a beautiful dark contras to it. His dress pants straight and smooth. His tie only slightly loose from the number of times he loosened it as to not suffocate himself.

His phone screen seemed to be brighter than usual, mocking him with today's date displayed plainly for him to see. For him to remember that this was his last day of trial. The day in which he learned if he will ever be a free man again.

Jonah said he was going to meet him there. He said he had something to take care of first before going to the courthouse. So, Corbyn had no one to be there, and sooth his nerves as Jonah always did.

"I didn't do it," he whispered brokenly for the hundredth time these past few weeks.

Because he didn't. How could he have killed his own best friend? The answer was he didn't.


"Corbyn, listen to me. As much as I hate to admit it you need one good lawyer. Get one yourself. Do not let them provide one for you. Your case is way too complicated for that, and you know they don't really care much about the accused," Zach took his best friend's pale hands into his, "Corbyn, please."

Corbyn took a shuddering breath, "Lawyers are not cheap, Zach, and the ones that I can barely afford refused to take my case. They said there's no way of winning this case." Droplets of tears fell onto the table where they sat.

"I just want this to be over. I don't want to go to jail but if being in jail meant I can finally peacefully mourn for Jack, I would gladly do it," he sobbed, resolve breaking at the thought of his late best friend.

"Hey, no, NO. I know you, and I know for a fact that you would never harm anyone, let alone your own best friend. You think Jack would want you to be incarcerated for someone else's mistake?" The brunette wiped the tears off his flushed cheeks.

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