[Dorbyn] With Me

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Ship: Dorbyn

Summary/plot: Everything was against them. Their families, friends, the whole fucking world. But fate won't tear them apart so easily. Corbyn will always be with Daniel just as Daniel will always have Corbyn in his arms.

Notes: Daniel's blond. It's a short one tho sorry :(


Fate was unfair to them.

It was cruel.

It was merciless.

It seemed keen on seeing them apart.

What did they do wrong? They were only in love. Was that so horrible? Was it something forbidden? Some might think so, yes. But everyone with eyes could see that something as beautiful as their love could never be wrong, no matter how many people say otherwise.

Those are the same people who were trying to see them apart.

First was Daniel's own family. He felt the betrayal stabbed him deep in his heart when he found that his family was against him calling Corbyn his own. He didn't understand. He always considered his family as those who would accept him for who he was. Even Anna. It was hard for Daniel to believe that Anna was not happy for him. For them.

Then, it was Corbyn's family. The Bessons were such sweet people. They were lovely, warm, and accepting. They always had a room for Daniel. No matter the time or circumstances, their door was always open for him. They always offered him warm smiles, hugs, and laughter. Daniel couldn't count how many dinners he had spent with the Bessons. Not to mention the amount of breakfast time he had spent with them after their sleepovers. Their house was like his second one.

That was until they learned about the nature of his and Corbyn's relationship.

Never had Daniel thought that they would turn out like this. The smiles faded, and the joy was gone. The open arms and door were now closed. They suddenly started hiding Corbyn. It was getting harder and harder for Daniel to even get a glimpse of the blonde. But he tried oh he really did. That's what matter the most for him. Corbyn.

Lastly, it was their friends. Yet another surprise. Who would've thought that the people who had been with them all along would be the ones who tried to ruin what they both had? Every single one of them was absolutely against their relationship. Even their closest friends, Jonah, Jack, and Zach, were very adamant to keep them apart. That hurt. They were supposed to support them every step of the way. If they didn't approve of their relationship, that's fine. But should they really go to such extent to keep them from not seeing each other? How could they?

But those things won't keep them from being together.

Both blondes were inside an abandon warehouse. It was moist, dingy, and absolutely filthy. It had been abandoned for God knows how long. It's a wonder how that building was still standing. Even the air of it was uncomfortable to breathe. Daniel knew this wasn't the most romantic place to spend time with someone you love, but at least they were alone. At least they had each other. At least there was no one who will try to take Corbyn away from him. It was sad how much they had to hide just to be together.

And yet here they were, with Corbyn in Daniel's arms.

Daniel cupped Corbyn's face in his hands, "I will never, ever leave you." He whispered.

"We will always be together, I promise you," Corbyn's eyes turned glassy at that, looking deep into Daniel's ocean blue eyes.

"Nothing and no one will tear us apart, I swear." A tear rolled down Corbyn's pale cheek as those sweet words rolled off the taller's tongue. His body was pressed even closer to Daniel's as the arm around his torso tightened.

Daniel affectionately wiped it away with a soft smile, "I will never stop loving you."

He leaned forward and let their foreheads touch. Corbyn closed his eyes and let out a soft sob as Daniel leaned his forehead into his own. He leaned even closer to give the smaller blonde a kiss.

Daniel gently removed the duct tape from Corbyn's lips, and kissed those sweet pink, plump lips.

"You will always be with me."

The end


Hehe kinda like this one ngl


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