[Jorbyn] Family

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Ship: Jorbyn

Summary/plot: Corbyn felt stupid as he sobbed about his parents getting a divorce. Was he overreacting? He thought he was, which was why he decided to keep it to himself. His boyfriend and bandmates were not here for it.

Notes: Heey okay, this is another request from jorbynmesson. I really hope you like this one! Btw, the band's a thing and they're on tour :)


Corbyn kept staring at the screen of his phone. The display was blurred away by the tears brimming in his eyes. But no matter how blurry it got, he could still make out the words on it clear as day.

Lil' Sis

It's official.

They're getting a divorce.

He held his phone with trembling hands. A chocked sob left his lips. The blonde cursed himself softly. He was 21 for fuck's sake. His younger siblings were 18 and 19 years old. That means everyone was a legal adult. They were all grown up and could take care of themselves. There will be no custody battle and drama. It's just two people separating because one of them couldn't stop fucking things up.

So why did Corbyn feel like his world was crumbling? Why did he feel like curling into a ball, and bawl his heart out?

Corbyn loved his family. He's one of those kids who's always excited to get back home from school so he could just spend time with his family. The blonde was such a softie and his family adored him for it.

In his eyes, they were a happy bunch. Everyone loved everyone. No drama, problem, or issue that couldn't be solved with communication and love between each other. Hell, his parents were the ones who taught him that, and look at them now.

Never in a million years would Corbyn thought he'd live to see this day. His father seemed like the perfect role model for him. Always making time for his family, buying his first guitar, being supportive when he came out, teaching him how to drive, intimidating the hell out of Corbyn's boyfriend in high school, and countless other moments. It didn't cross the blonde's mind that the same man had cheated on his wife for the past 5 years with countless different women.

Corbyn put his phone down, and wrapped his arms around himself. His body trembled slightly as he curled in his bunk.

They were on tour now. What will be waiting for him when he went home? What about their family traditions? The Christmas, Thanksgiving, and other holidays? It's not likely that his parents could stand being in the same room as of late. Much less being civil towards one another.


Corbyn hastily wiped his tears as he heard his name along with approaching footsteps. As the person got closer, Corbyn faked a yawn and rubbed his eyes so it seemed like those tears were not of sadness. However, the smile he had wasn't fake when his eyes landed on his boyfriend, "Yeah, Jo?" he scoot out of his bunk.

Jonah smiled at how cuddly the blonde looked. The brunette opened his arms in invitation. The blonde giggled before jumping lightly from the top bunk into his boyfriend's waiting arms. Strong arms wrapped around his waist as he leaned against the elder's chest.

"They boys wanna go out to grab something to eat tonight. You're coming, right?"

Usually, Corbyn would jump at the opportunity to spend some quality time with his friends who were more like brothers, honestly. They were his family when he's on tour. But after receiving the heartbreaking news, he didn't think he could handle being in a family-related gathering without breaking down.

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