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Ship: Jorbyn

Summary/plot:  Just your typical best friends-turned-to-lovers kinda story

Notes: Ookay first of all this is waaaaaay overdue and I'm so sorry but my professors are legit tryna kill me with all this shit I have to deal with. But I  do hope you guys enjoy this one :)


It's at the end note thaanks 💕


Jonah and Corbyn were inseparable.

Well, maybe not literally, but they were as close as friends could be.

Both boys have been friends since elementary school, 2nd grade to be more specific. They clicked immediately after Jonah had complimented Corbyn's drawing of stars and planets. They knew each other like the back of each other's hands. Hell, they probably can read one another better than they did themselves. It came easy when they spent years and years always together.

That was why Jonah should've expected that something was wrong when Corbyn had texted him, asking if anyone was home. That was weird considering he never did that before. Everyone in his family was like Corbyn's second family at this point. And wasn't he supposed to be with Josh right now? Jonah's eye twitched in annoyance at the reminder of the blonde's boyfriend.

Anyway, he'd said no, seeing that his siblings were having sleepovers at their friends', and his parents were away to their relative's house. Something didn't sit right in the pit of his stomach but he shrugged it off. But, the brunette did immediately dash downstairs when he heard the doorbell.

When he opened the door to the sight of his best friend with puffy eyes and runny nose, it took him barely a second to pull the blonde into his arms. Gently, Jonah led him into the house without letting the blonde go. He kicked the door close, and focused on his best friend.

At one point, Corbyn seemed to have composed himself. But after taking one look of Jonah's worried eyes, he broke back down into the brunette's arms. Seeing that he won't be calming down anytime soon, Jonah scooped the younger boy up with ease. He walked upstairs and into his bedroom. Jonah sat on his bed with the still crying boy in his lap. Corbyn hid his face in the crook of the older boy's neck, body shaking with his sobs. His hands were clutching the fabric of Jonah's t-shirt.

Jonah hummed some tunes softly to Corbyn in an attempt to calm him down. The brunette was undeniably worried but he needed to be calm and collected for Corbyn's sake. He couldn't have them both panicking now, could he? So, he kept humming, and gently cradled his friend's head. Jonah buried his fingers into the soft faux blond locks as his other hand rubbed soothing circles onto the younger boy's back.

About roughly 15 minutes later, the sobs and shaking began to subside. Now, the blonde resorted to sniffles and hiccups. Jonah gave him a few more minutes before finally asking him, "What's wrong, bubba?" he kissed Corbyn's flushed cheek, "I thought you were out with Josh?" It took a lot for Jonah to keep the distaste out of his voice at the mention of the blonde's boyfriend.

Hearing that name, Corbyn tightened his grip on Jonah's shirt. He let out a shaky breath, "It's over." Dark eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What?" Corbyn just burrowed his head deeper into the crook of his neck. Realization finally dawned on Jonah. He gently pulled his best friend away from him.

"Did he do this to you?" He asked, barely concealing the shimmer of rage under his visage.

"I-..." Corbyn sniffed before taking a deep breath to compose himself, "I wanna surprise him, you know? He didn't know I was gonna see him today," he wiped a stray tear off his cheek. "So, I came by his house. Yesterday, he told me his parents aren't around, so I just went straight in, and..." his pink bottom lip trembled, "And I saw him fucking that stupid cheerleader, Stephanie or something," his voice lacked the venom the blonde intended as it broke at the end.

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