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"I hate running

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"I hate running."


EVERYTHING WAS SILENT. No one spoke, they were all too worried. Juno jumps when the grid for the air vent flies out from one of the beds, and sends Leanne off the bed.

Juno stands up quickly. "Sorry." She mumbles Leanne.

Juno watches as Thomas hastily pulls Leanne up. "We gotta go. We gotta go right now." He repeats.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Minho asks loudly.

"What do you mean, "We gotta go?"" Newt asks over Minho. Everyone asks questions over one another, confused by Thomas. Juno almost wants to yell at them all to shut up, then for Thomas to explain, but she wouldn't.

Thomas runs towards the door quickly, then turns back around to face them. "They're coming. Come on. We gotta go." He takes a sheet off a bunk. "They're coming for us." Then, he begins to tie a knot around the handle to keep the door shut.  "Paige. She's still alive." Thomas says

"Ava?" Juno frowns. What isn't Leanne telling her. The others didn't seem surprised that she knew this information. What did they know that Juno didn't?

"Who's she?" Newt asks, confused by his two friends.

"Ava." Thomas repeats, out of breath.

"Ava?" Frypan raises his eyebrow. Someone needs to explain. They can't just repeat each other.

"The big boss at WICKED."

"Will you just turn around and talk to us?" Newt says calmly but loudly.

"It's WICKED!" He yells, making Juno jump. He turns around to face them. "It's still WICKED. It's always been WICKED." Thomas says quickly. He then grab a mattress of the bunk frame and pushes it up against the door.

Juno runs her fingers through her ponytail nervously. Her heart was beating in her ears, making it hard for her to hear them. She felt like she was going to faint. She had to go back for her friends.

"Thomas." Newt walks up to stand beside Thomas. Then, he calmly speaks. "What did you see?"

"Other people from Mazes, hanging up with tubes attached to them." He speaks quickly, moving to the bunk where the vent is. Juno rests her hands on the wall, stabling herself. Hally. Vera. Her friends. Every single other person from her Maze who had already been called, they were probably there. "After we're called, we don't leave." Then, he waves them over. "We gotta go quickly, come on." With Thomas leading the way, the teens get into the vent quickly.

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