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JUNO WAITED IN anticipation as Teresa prepared her tools behind her. June was the first one getting her tag out, and wasn't necessarily thrilled about it. As long as she didn't see her own blood, she'd be fine. She hoped.

She wasn't the only one in the room who waited in anticipation. Everyone was abuzz, moving around and preparing for a fight — for war. This could be the night where they ended it all; all the pain, all the running, it could be over. They hoped.

June could not help but find everything ironic. She had never let herself grow hopeful after the first group of girls escaped the Maze. She had never truly let herself hope until she met Leanne and her gang of misfit boys. Everything about them screamed 'hero' and June found herself jumping on the bandwagon before she truly comprehended what she was doing.

So here she was now, preparing for a war with the people who had always been winning. Their captors, who were always one step ahead.

But not this time.

This time, there was so much more at stake. Their lives had always hung in the balance of things, but now more than ever did their lives truly feel threatened. Maybe it was because Minho was with them, or one of them was dying, or maybe it's because they were going into the lion's den but whatever it is brought no relief to them. Instead, it only heightened their survival instincts. Perhaps that was dangerous —to hold on to the anger that they all possessed— but none of them truly seemed to care anymore.

Juno was pulled from her thoughts when Teresa made the first incision, startling June and making her pull away with a hiss.

"Sorry." Teresa mumbles as June leans back into her reach.

"It's fine." Juno hisses through her teeth again when she feels Teresa dig around for the tagged chip.

A silence lulls over them before Teresa pulls the chip out. "No, June, I'm sorry." She moves away and signals that she's finished before sighing. "Just be safe."

June turns to look at the girl cautiously before nodding. "You too."

She would not admit it aloud, but Juno still cared for Teresa. The girl may have turned them in, and risked their lives, but June still couldn't shake her worry for the troublesome girl. There was still a distaste held towards Teresa, but a hidden understanding between the two; they would both do what they needed to survive and they would both fight for the cause they believed in.

June still held a sense of pride —or admiration— for Teresa. The girl may have turned on them, and given their location to their enemy, but Teresa did it for a cause she believed in even if her friends —the only people she truly loved and who loved her back— would grow to hate her.

But hate had always been a strong word.

June moves away from Teresa and gives quick hugs to the group, telling them to stay safe. Brenda holds June a second or two longer than the others, whispering to her to take care of Jorge.

"We'll have eachothers backs." June nods, moving to Newt. The boy reaches for her without hesitation, pulling her to the side of the room —away from everyone else— and into his embrace. They stand like that for a minute or two, relishing in the feel of their bodies pressed together, Juno's face pressed into his shoulder and his hidden in her hair. Juno sucks a breath and pulls away from Newt to look up into his eyes. "Just keep fighting, Newt." Juno begs quietly.

"Always and forever." He smiles, pressing a soft kiss to her lips before pushing her away.

Walking away next to Jorge, she had that twinge in my stomach, like she was doing something wrong. Maybe she was. Every bone in her body screamed at her to stay behind. Stay with Thomas, stay with Brenda and stay with Newt. Stay to find Minho and bring WICKED down. However, she couldn't.

Perhaps things were never supposed to go her way, but she wouldn't know it then. No, she would know it hours later, when the boy she was growing to love was ripped away from her.

The more she moved forward, the more the world seemed to move in the opposite direction.

Still, she could not dwell on that now. So, instead, she thought of Newt's words; always and forever.

However, the truth about forever, is that it doesn't exit.

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