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"If that was overrun,chances are the city is, too

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"If that was overrun,
chances are the city is, too."


STRETCHED OUT ACROSS the back seat, Juno occupied herself with a book Brenda had recommended her. Over time, as the two girls grew closer, they had begun to share everything.

One thing they did not share, however, was their patience. June was ready the book to keep her mind off of things; she was nervous and kept asking Jorge if he could drive any fast. Brenda, on the other hand, seemed calm and collected. The doe-eyed girl sat idly, watching the scenery roll by.

Throwing down the book carelessly, June sits up and leans between the front seats. "How far did you say the checkpoint was?" She asks Jorge.

The man rolls his eyes. "We're close."

Thank God for that, because if she had to wait any longer she might combust. June's patience was running thin and it was only a matter of time before she kicked Jorge to the backseat and began driving herself; and she had no idea how to drive. The first hour of driving, Jorge had used the time to try and teach the girls the general idea of it. It wasn't hard, but after arguing because he wouldn't let them get behind the wheel they put it to rest. Though, Jorge was sure that Brenda would be a much better driver than Juno; the latter was usually calm and friendly, but there was no doubt in Jorge's mind that Juno could become agressive if she wanted to.

She watches from the back as they approach a sign that reads:


"You think they're there?" Brenda asks.

Neither Jorge nor Juno speak; did she mean their friends, or the people running the infection check? They would get their answer soon though.

As they rolled up to the infection checkpoint, the first thing that was obvious to them was that it was abandoned. The second thing obvious to them, was that cranks were for sure in the tunnel.

"You think they went in there?" Juno frowns, eyeing the tunnel distastefully.

Brenda looks down at the map in her lap. "It's the fastest way to the city, so yeah, they went in there."

Then, there was the sound of gunshots.

Jorge hit the gas quicker than he ever had before and Juno was sent flying forward in her seat. She catches herself on the passenger seat in front of her, but barely.

They were in there. That had to be them; who else would be trying to get to the city and go through there?

Once her eyes adjusted to the darkness, June saw the cranks. They were all headed towards the gunshots, but some of them were turning to them when they heard the truck.

"Brenda, open the top. Juno, climb up front, they're gonna need the room." Jorge yells to them as he swerves to miss a crank.

With difficulty, Juno ungracefully plops down into the passenger seat, and Brenda shuffles to open the roof skylight and stands up, gun in hand.

The gunshots stop and through the darkness Juno can make out her friends, fighting the approaching cranks. They're surrounded, but Jorge presses on the gas even harder and rams into the cranks.

He stops the car and June can see Brenda wave as she yells for them to get in. They quickly file into the truck, yelling for Jorge to go when they're all seated.

Jorge presses on the gas, ramming through any remaining cranks. The end of the tunnel comes into view and the speed out. Brenda sits back down, half squishing Juno against the door half sitting on her legs.

"I'm impressed!" Jorge says from the driver's seat. "You guys almost lasted a whole day."

Juno rolls her eyes, shifting to glance back at them. Brenda glares at them as she shakes her head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't wanna bring you guys into this." Thomas sends them a small smile.

Jorge looks through the rear view mirror, just as unimpressed with Thomas' excuse as Brenda, and Juno turns her head around to scoff at Thomas.

That's the best you can do? She asks sarcastically to him.

Frypan leans forward between Newt and Thomas. "I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us."

Brenda smiles. "You're welcome."


Thomas sends June a smile and she rolls her eyes, glancing over at Brenda to share an unimpressed look. June looks back at the passengers of the truck and catches Newt's eye. A small frown tugs at his lips as he watches her.

You okay? She asks him, cutting her link with Thomas.

Yeah, fine. Newt's eyes move to look out the window. There was an underlying bitterness to his words, and though small it hit Juno quickly. You?

Fine. She turns back around in her seat, her own frown tugging at her lips. She shrugs it off to look across Brenda at Jorge.

Jorge shakes his head, glancing at them every couple seconds through the rear view mirror. "Hey, don't get your hopes up." They watch him speak. "That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defense. If that was overrun, chances are the city is, too."

"Yeah, unless they figured out some other way to keep the Cranks out." Newt says.

Juno turns to look outside, but she and Brenda fly forward in the seat when Jorge slams on the breaks. After stabilizing themselves, the two girls climb out of the vehicle and walk around, to look out at the city below them.

Large skyscrapers stand in the middle of the city, surrounded by smaller ones. The sun shimmers of the glass buildings, sparkling. Around the sparkling city, one large wall circles it. It was built around the thriving part of the city, cutting out the decaying parts of the city.

Juno gapes at the city; well, they were screwed. There was no way they were going to find a way in. Not easily, at least. This was going to take some time.

"Funny... Spent three years trapped behind walls, trying to break out, and now we wanna break back in." Newt shakes his head.

From behind them, Frypan adds. "Yeah. It's hilarious."

Leanne scoffs. "It doesn't matter. He's in there." She mumbles.

"How do you know for sure?" Brenda asks her quietly as Thomas questions Jorge.

Leanne looks over at the girl before looking back out at the city. "Because I was supposed to be there too."

June watches with a small smile on her face as Brenda pats Leanne on the back, attempting to be comforting but just being awkward. She was happy the two were at least trying to be friends.

"Those walls are new." Jorge sighs. "I guess that's WICKED's answer for everything."

Juno huffs out in annoyance — so there was no way Jorge could help them, he didn't know the city anymore.

Brenda begins to walk back to the car. "Well, we ain't gonna figure it out form up here. Let's go!" She approaches Juno, linked her arm through hers. "You good?"

"Yeah." June nods unconvincingly. Brenda sends her a warning look, and June lowers her voice to respond to the girl. "This isn't going to be easy." She mumbles, glancing back at Newt, Thomas and Leanne, who still stare out at the city. "We might not all—" June cuts herself off again, shaking her head. She couldn't even say the words.

Though, at least this time when she left Kiko and Reese behind she was leaving them in safe hands and putting herself in harms way, instead of the other way around. That was the only thing that brought comfort to her right now; the idea that they were safe. That at least a part of her family would surely live; the rest of them... there was no telling how far they would get. But, they had eachother, and that was enough for June to know that they could still get far. As long as they had eachother.

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