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the first month

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the first month.

JUNO WOULD NEVER sob aloud. She would never cry in front of anyone. She would never cry. She hadn't cried. Not since Leanne, Minho, and so many others were taken a month ago.

The month crept by them slowly. The time scared Juno. The first week, she hadn't thought about the time it would take to get her friends back. She thought they would jump into action quickly, but they didn't. Instead, they had travelled to the next destination, where the Right Arm had planned to move to before their arrival.

Juno couldn't tell who had taken the situation the worst. Everyone seemed to be at their breaking point, but others were better at hiding it than some. Thomas would sulk angrily, he was one of the obvious ones. Brenda, on the other hand, didn't show any emotions. The majority of the time, she would stand to the side quietly. In a brief discussion with Juno, the girl had revealed she was upset, but she wasn't going to be as open as Thomas was. If Juno had to pick one person who had taken it the worst, she would probably pick Newt. The boy seemed so normal, so perfect. He was enthusiastic about finding a solution to save his friends, and spent entire nights reading over the pages of information the Right Arm had on WICKED. Frypan had been very emotional the first couple weeks, but he was getting better at controlling his emotions.

Even now, as they all sat in silence around the bonfire, there was tension. Juno certainly wasn't the only one with guilt.

At night, she could hear them. She could hear Newt and his constant pacing, and Frypan's mumbling as Brenda tried to comfort him. Then, she would hear Brenda walk off as she began to worry and she would hear Jorge walk over to comfort her. After everyone else had settled, the evening ritual would continue as Newt paced back and forth, and only once everyone else had left Thomas would try and talk to Newt. That's how every night was spent.

However, there was one more step to the evening ritual. Every night, when Juno was under her blankets trying to sleep, she could hear him. She would hear him call out for her. And as her eyes grew heavy once again, his voice began to echo in her head.

Teresa? Teresa can you hear me? Thomas' voice startles Juno from her dozing.

She had been so close to sleeping! The boy just had to ruin it. Usually, Juno would wait until he was done trying to call out to Teresa to attempt to sleep. However tonight, she actually found herself tired.

And so, tired of this boy's unsuccessful attempts at speaking with Teresa, Juno gave in to the urge she always pushed down. Will you shut up? Juno snaps in her head. I'm the only person who can hear you.

June? She can almost hear his frown. You're telepathic?

She wondered in he knew Newt was too, or maybe Newt thought he couldn't speak to anyone but her. Yeah, I guess so. Lucky me. Her sarcastic voice is soft in Thomas' head.

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