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the fourth month

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the fourth month.

AS THE MONTHS passed, Juno and Brenda had grown closer and closer. The two girls were so close that you would have thought that they had known each other for years. So it was no surprise to anyone when June and Brenda would lounge around together until late into the night. To Juno, spending time with Brenda meant spending time with Jorge. The two were a package deal, and Juno wasn't complaining as she slowly weaved her way into this package.

Right now, Juno founds herself humming quietly with an old map between her hands. To her right, Brenda was reading over some of WICKED's most recent movements, and to her left Jorge was laying with his eyes shut.

Plenty of other people occupied themselves in the large warehouse as the rain poured down harshly outside.

Cutting off her humming with a sigh, Juno lets the map fall onto her lap. "There's nothing here. I don't think they'd use any of these back roads, or the larger ones."

Brenda opens her mouth to respond when a throat being cleared catches their attention. Both girls turn their heads to see Newt standing a few feet away. His eyes meet Juno's and he offers a small smile.

Before June can say anything, Brenda slams her file down harshly. "She doesn't want to speak with you right now." The girl says defensively.

"But, I just—"

"Just leave it right now, hermano." Jorge sits up, his response much more friendly than Brenda's. The girl was glaring at Newt, and she didn't look like she was going to back down any time soon.

"Brenda." June warns, flicking the girl's arm. "Newt and I are going to talk." June stands up as Brenda opens her mouth to protest. "I'm going." She insists. Shutting her mouth, Brenda nods as she grumbles under her breath. Juno turns and nods to Newt, following him to an empty alcove of the large building.

After a moment of silence, Newt begins in her head. I'm really sorry, June. He sighs, running his hand through his hair and messing it up. June pushes down the urge to reach up and fix his hair. I was just angry that WICKED had gotten them so easily, and I know that's no excuse can make up for what I accused you of.

Juno's shoulders slump as her body relaxes. You made me feel guilty, and made me feel like my feelings didn't matter.

Newt presses his lips together. And I'm sorry. Bloody hell, I never meant to make you feel that way. Juno can't meet his eyes and Newt seems to notice that. Junie, look at me. When she finally meets his eyes, he speaks again. I'm sorry.

June nods slowly. It's okay. Well— how you acted isn't okay, but I'm just going to let it go.

Thank you. He lets go of a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Look, Newt. I am really sorry. God— this is hard for me to share but... Juno cuts herself and pulls her bottom lip into her mouth.

We can start slow if you want. Newt smiles reassuringly, sitting down against the wall. Juno sits down cross-legged across from him. "Why is it hard for you to share?" He asks aloud.

Her posture seems guarded as she begins to speak. "Because ever since I arrived in my maze, I was this bouncy girl who kept her emotions to herself and always helped others. This feeling was instilled in me since before I can remember." Huffing, she rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I want to share. But I'm scared to."

"Well, you can always tell me anything."

Rolling her shoulders back, June sits up a little straighter. "One of the reasons that I felt so guilty about Leanne is because the whole situation reminds me of Vera. She was a girl in my maze, who got caught when we were exploring WICKED's facility at night. She was with me one second, then I turned around and she wasn't. The whole thing was just so similar to how I lost Vera that it gnawed at me from the inside out. And I then, I overthink, and I worry myself."

Newt reaches out to grasp her small hand between both of his. "It wasn't your fault. It's WICKED's fault. None of us could've stopped it."

Juno nods slowly. She may not believe him now, but she would come to. She would come to believe him because she had to stop blaming herself. She had to let go of the pain she held, and it letting go of the blame included it she would release it. Her anger would dissipate and she would be able to see clearly, because in this cruel world she had to have her eyes open to survive.

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