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"I miss the Glade

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"I miss the Glade."


JUNO WAS SURPRISED when she was woken up by the sound of someone speaking. When had she fallen asleep? She didn't open her eyes. The sun was already too bright for her closed eyes. A hand shakes her shoulder, but she swats the hand off. "I'm awake." She grumbles, refusing to open her eyes. If it wasn't for the fact that she knew she would have to get up, Juno would fall back asleep right away. She didn't want to keep moving. 

"Are they gone?" She hears Newt's voice ask.

"Yeah, I think we're safe for now." Thomas responds.

He thought they were safe, for now. Juno wished she had stayed back at the facility. Even if it was WICKED, she would rather stay there and sleep in her comfy bed.

"Okay, we should get moving. Let's pack it up." Thomas says, but June doesn't move. "Aris, come on. Fry, Winston. Let's go." He looks over at Juno, who still hasn't bothered to open her eyes yet. "June, come on."

Juno rolls her closed eyes, then opens them. She didn't want to move; the sun was too bright, her bones ached from sleeping on the ground and she was hungry. But of course, they wouldn't stop for one person. So instead of being left behind, because she was sure Thomas would force the other to leave even if she didn't, she got up and slung her backpack over her shoulder.

They moved slowly through the destroyed city. It wasn't easy because of the piles rubble and trash that littered the roads. The crumbling buildings housed growing plants, the roads had begun to be filled with sand, and cars lined the roads like they had just been left in a traffic jam.

The further they walked, the more destruction they passed. It was shocking to Juno. She couldn't remember anything about the world, and this was the first impact it had on her. Was the rest of the world like this? She dearly hoped not, but a small part of her thought it was.

"What the hell happened to this place?" Frypan asks while they walk down the middle of the street.

"I don't know. It doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time." Newt responds.

"I hope the whole world's not like this." Aris says, voicing everyone's hopes.

"Hang on, stop." Thomas says, making the group stop and quiet down. "Do you hear that?" They look up onto the sky, and the noise gets closer. "Get down! Everybody, hide! Hide! Hide!" They look around for a spot to hide, and quickly settle on a large fallen slab of cement.

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