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"She didn't feel very safe anymore

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"She didn't feel very safe anymore."


JUNO FOUND HERSELF squished in the back of "Bertha", an old rusty truck, with Brenda, Aris and Leanne. The bench in front was occupied by Minho, Thomas, Frypan and Teresa, and Newt found himself in the front seat beside Jorge.

Every couple minutes, June would shift uncomfortably. Her body was pressed up against others and her cheeks were red with warmth. The heat in the vehicle was unbearable, which had resulted in them opening the windows.

Although the vehicle was filled over it's maximum capacity, it was helpful to have it. Juno wouldn't dare complain about the heat or being squished — she would take driving over walking (or God forbid; running) any day. It was especially helpful for they drove a much longer distance than they could walk in a day. As an added bonus, the vehicle also protected them from the sun.

No one spoke as Jorge sped forward along the winding mountain road. Instead, they kept their eyes on the surrounding landscape, watching for falling rocks or anything —anyone— that might be a threat.

Jorge was definitely driving much faster than he should along the road but none of them could bring themselves to care. It would definitely help find their destination, not that any of them even knew where they were headed. Not for sure, at least. They had been driving for at least a few hours, watching for any signs of the Right Arm, but to no avail.

As Jorge's speed slowed, June found herself craning her neck to get a look at the road ahead of them. In front of a tunnel and even into the tunnel, multiple cars sat, unmoving.

Grateful for an excuse to leave the truck, Juno steps out and stretches her legs, then her back. Her muscles were tense from the running, and being cramped up in that car was no help. Her back ached but she wouldn't complain, for she knew everyone else was also in pain.

Jorge sighs. "Well, I guess we're on foot."

Juno scrunches her nose up, holding back a groan. But she had to look on the bright side; she would get to stretch her legs.

Taking their bags from the vehicle, they begin to walk towards the parked vehicles. Juno peers through the windows of a car as Frypan moves to go through the trunk. Around her, people move to do the same.

"It's empty." She mutters, moving past the car to look down into another. "Maybe they had to stop, like us?" She frowns.

Before Frypan can respond to her, Juno shoves the boy to the ground behind car, narrowly missing a bullet. The sound of gunshots rings through the air, echoing against the mountains.

"Get down!" Jorge yells.

"This is certainly an eventful adventure." Juno mumbles as Frypan squeezes her hand worriedly.

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