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Jayda's POV

"Ha ha! You lose." I teased, poking my tounge out at Sweet Pea after beating him at pool.

"You definitley cheated." Sweet Pea exclaimed and crossed his arms annoyed.

"I don't think she did, Sweet Pea." Toni said moving closer us couple of ranting teens. I high-fived my best friend and then we stared Sweet Pea down.

"Just admit it dude," I said. "What?"

"That I'm better than you." I continued.

"No, never gonna happen." he answered.

"You're such a sore loser." Toni sighed, and grabbed the pool stick from the table. "My turn to beat you know."

"You are on, Topaz." Sweet Pea said and the group set up for another game.

I checked the time on my phone. 10:34 pm.

"Shit. I have to get home." I said, placing my phone in my back jean pocket.

"Okay. Bye Jay." Sweet Pea and I left for my trailer.


I walked up the stairs of our family trailer, to see ripped police tape on the door, and our whole home trashed.

"Jughead?" I called out. "Dad?" 

I saw my fathers phone on the table, and then decided to call my brother. I quickly dialed the number, and put it up to my ear, hearing the ringing.

"Hello," my brothers voice was hoarse and scratchy, as if he'd been crying.

"Where the hell are you?! And what the hell did you do to the trailer?!" I exclaimed.

"You didn't hear, Dad was just arrested for the murder of Jason Blossom." 

I felt my eyes well up with tears. I rubbed my eyes, Jayda Jones doesn't cry.

"Where are you?" I asked again. "Pop's." 

I grabbed my keys again and sped off to where Jughead had said he was. I spotted him in a booth, and slid in opposite him.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Veronica and Archie searched it, when I was at Betty's with Dad. Then someone tipped off the cops, and Sheriff Keller found the murder weapon." Jughead answered.

"What the hell!?" I exclaimed. The duo heard the bell, signalling the arrival of some customers. Archie, Veronica and Betty.

"What the hell do you guys want?" I shouted. They ignored my and kneeled next to my brother.

"We're so sorry." Betty began. "About everything."

"We screwed up." Archie said. "We all did. And breaking into your Dad's trailer was wrong, but at least some good came out of it."

"How the hell, can good come out of breaking into my trailer?" I snapped, slamming my fists into the table.

"I'm pretty sure our dad just got arrested for murder." Jughead murmured. His voice was sad, depressed.

"That gun." Veronica replied. "It wasn't there when we searched the trailer. Someone put it there after we left."

Jughead and I looked at Veronica. "What are you talking about?" we said simultaneously.

No-one spoke for about half a minute.

"What the hell are you waiting for? Let's go!" I exclaimed and then I ran out the diner. The four followed me into the parkiing lot. "Come on Juggie, get on the back." I gestured for my twin to climb onto the back of my motorbike.

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