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Jayda's POV

The night of the party. I changed into an outfit that I thought looked cute, and grabbed my Serpent jacket before exiting the trailer.

 I changed into an outfit that I thought looked cute, and grabbed my Serpent jacket before exiting the trailer

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I sat on a barstool, chatting with Toni who was behind the bar.

"Jones. You look nervous." Toni said, looking at Jughead. "You want a drink?"

"No, I'm good." Jughead replied. "I'm just getting the lay of the land." We then caught glimpse of Alice and Betty entering the Wyrm.

Alice was wearing all black, a see-though top where you could see her bra. Also, a leather jacket. Betty was wearing pastel colours though, as usual.

"Hog Eye." Alice said, turning to him behind the bar. "Get me..."

"Tequila, straight up." Hog Eye finished for her. 

"Hold the worm." they said at the same time. I turned back to Toni.

"I'm off to find my boyfriend, who's no doubt betting that he can beat Fangs at pool." I said, sliding off the barstool.

"Fangs should've given up by now." Toni replied, laughing.

"He should, bye." I responded, and I moved around the heaving bar. I found Sweet Pea and Fangs standing in a corner. 

"Whatcha doing?" I asked them. 

"Nothing much." Fangs replied. I looked at Sweet Pea, he was just staring at my outfit. My skirt was quite short, I must say.

"Stop staring you creep." I said, annoyed.

"I wasn't staring." He defended.

"You totally were." Fangs chimed in. Sweet Pea punched Fangs' arm, then put his arm around my waist.

"Right, we're going to start karaoke now." Betty announced. I rolled my eyes.

"You should go up there." Sweet Pea said to me.

"No." I scoffed, and we watched Archie and Veronica go onto the stage.

"Why? You're really good." Fangs moaned.

"Shut up, both of you." I snapped.

We watched Archie and Veronica begin to sing 'Mad World'. Then, Veronica ran off the stage, and Archie followed her.

I felt Sweet Pea's arm move from my waist, as we all started booing them. The background music continued to play, and Betty walked on stage.

She continued the song, and she was way better than Archie or Veronica. Until, she started unbuttoning her top. She continued to strip, and sing, looking at Jughead as she did so.

It wasn't great, watching your twin brother's girlfriend strip in front of you. Jughead wasn't pleased, and everyone turned to see the look on his face as Betty moved to the pole. 

I looked up at Sweet Pea, he was definitely checking her out. I felt a pang of jealousy, and I turned back to watch her, ignoring him.

Alice came out of the crowd, and looked horrified as she saw her daughter dancing. She probably got flashbacks from when she had to do it.

As the song ended, I still felt jealous. But, decided to keep it in my head until my father finished his speech.

My dad draped his Serpent jacket onto Betty's shoulders, and she went off the stage.

"Let's give her a round of applause." Dad said, we clapped. I didn't really want to, but did anyway. "Let's show her some of that Serpent hospitality we're known for."

"You know what? I've been in and out of the Serpents since I was younger than my kids." Dad said beginning his speech. "And it's been a wild ride. Good times, bad times. But through it all, the Serpents stuck by my side, while most other people turned their backs on me. My own family included. Now, the letter of the law says that I can't be here in the Serpent den, that I can't associate with my friends, my real family. My blood. But I've been thinking about that. And it'll be a cold day in hell before a snake lets a pig tell him what to do."

I was confused, so he isn't retiring.

"The Northside wants me out of this gang? Well, they better bring a coffin, 'cause FP Jones isn't retiring." Dad said. "I am not going gently into the night! I'm here to stay! So, bring the fire!"

We all cheered, happy that he was staying.

I turned to Sweet Pea, an annoyed look on my face.

"You were checking her out." I said.

"No, no I wasn't." he insisted,

"You were basically drooling." I snapped. I saw Fangs walk away out of the corner of the eye, obviously not wanting to be involved.

"Okay, fine, I was but--" he responded, quickly.

"Save it." I retorted, and stormed out the bar. As I sat on my bike, I realised how petty I was being. It was stupid.

I sighed, and pulled on my helmet before turning on the ignition. In the corner of my eye, I saw Jughead walk away from Betty, and Betty was crying. I decided to ignore it, I'll ask Jughead tomorrow.


I collapsed onto my bed after taking a shower. My hair was still wet, and I had my towel draped around my body. I stared at the ceiling, and thought about what happened tonight.

I put my headphones on, and played music in my ears. I suddenly heard a knock at the window. I sat up. I took my headphones off, and heard it again. 

I put my headphones on the desk, and grabbed my switchblade which was lying on the dresser. I held the towel to my chest, and went over to the window. I pulled back the curtains, and sighed as I saw who it was.

I opened the window.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, laughing. He attempted to crawl in the window. He fell on the floor, and looked up at me.

"Trying to be romantic." Sweet Pea responded.

"There's no-one home, you could've come through the door." I pointed out.

"Why do you have a knife?" he asked me, and stood up.

"We live in a trailer park, I thought there was a creep at my window." I replied. I placed my knife on the desk. "What are you doing here anyway?" 

"I wanted to apologise for what happened at the bar." he said.

"No, I was just being petty. I'm sorry." I responded. We were standing really close now.

"You know, I was hoping it was you instead of her." he whispered. 

"Oh really," I replied. "I could give you a private show, right here, right now."

He closed the gap between our lips, kissing me passionately. After a quick, heated makeout session, I took the towel off, dropping it to the floor.

He admired me, before closing the gap again.

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