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Jayda's POV

After Chemistry, we had English, then a short break. Sweet Pea and I walked down the hall, and headed to our lockers to put our new books in.

"The classes are so much harder here." Sweet Pea said, as we unlocked the lockers.

"Well, this is a much better school than Southside High." I responded, and put my English book, and Chemistry textbook on the top shelf of my locker. "I can't believe I got stuck with Reggie as a lab partner."

"Chemistry is shit anyway," Sweet Pea replied, and we both shut and locked our lockers.

"You've got Kevin, which is good. Unless, you leave me for him." I said, and we began walking down the hall again.

"Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it." Sweet Pea responded, making us both laugh. We saw Toni, Fangs and Jughead in the student lounge, and decided to sit with them and, ironically, next to Kevin.

Then, to my dismay, Veronica Lodge came in. Followed by a dark-skinned girl.

"I don't believe we've properly met. Veronica Lodge." She greeted Toni, and shook her hand.

"Of the Park Avenue Lodge's." Jughead commented, snaking on his chips. I leaned forward, and snatched the bag out of his hands. "What the hell!"

"I'm hungry." I responded, and continued eating the bag of chips.

"Toni. Topaz." Toni greeted.

"Oh, like the purple-coloured gemstone. Love it." Veronica admired.

"And I'm Josie McCoy." The dark-skinned girl spoke up. "Formerly of the pussycats, now just Josie. And this is Kevin." She pointed to Kevin, who was sitting next  to Sweet Pea. Kevin and Fangs were looking at each other.

"What's your name?" Kevin asked him.

"Fogarty. Or you can call me Fangs." Fangs answered. "Your last name's Keller, right?"

"How did you know that?" Kevin asked, a little creeped out.

"Joaquin and I used to hang out. He talked about you all the time." Fangs replied. Suddenly, a really angry Weatherbee came into the room.

"You guys. Yes, you. Come with me." he said, angrily. "Now." We stood up, and followed him out of the lounge. The second I saw Reggie Mantle, I knew he'd done something. We looked down, and at Reggie's feet, was a poorly-painted snake.

"Which one of you defaced our school seal with this, graffiti?" Weatherbee questioned us.

"This is what they do, Principal Weatherbee. They tag their turf." Reggie answered for us, pointing at his poor excuse of an art project.

"The answer is none of us, none of us can take credit for this horrible piece of art." I replied, folding my arms angrily.

"My God, Reggie, could you be any more transparent." Veronica said, glaring at the boy.

"Effective immediately: No gang behaviour of any kind will be tolerated in my school. As of this moment, no more Serpent jackets." Weatherbee declared.

"This can't be happening." I said, loudly and annoyed. Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni and Jughead also gave annoyed words.

"No more Serpent jackets." Weatherbee repeated, "All tattoos are gonna be covered. Possession of any gang paraphernalia, whatsoever, will lead to immediate suspension. Are we clear? That's all." 

He walked away. As soon as he turned around, I lunged at Reggie, but was pulled back by Jughead and Sweet Pea.

"Do that after school." Sweet Pea whispered in my ear.


After school, we were hanging out at the Wyrm. And, Sweet Pea was attempting to beat my score on Street Fighter.

"I can't believe you guys don't see it." Jughead said. "Weatherbee is profiling us. Telling us what to wear. What's next? Brain implants controlling what we think?" 

"It's official. He's gone crazy." I said, making Sweet Pea and Toni laugh. Not Jughead.

"Jughead, you sound like a conspiracy nut. A school closed down." Toni pointed out.

"A crappy school." Sweet Pea added, not looking up from his game.

"Yeah, and now we're at a better one, with a computer lab, and textbooks." Toni continued.

"And toilets that flush." Sweet Pea listed.

"Getting transferred to Riverdale High is the best thing that could've happened." Toni said.

"Maybe ever." Sweet Pea added.

"So, if I have to take off my jacket, 8:30 to 3, Monday to Friday, hey, I'm down with that." Toni concluded.

I noticed that Sweet Pea was almost beating my high score. I leaned up, and put my head in the crook of his neck. I began to trail kisses up his neck, making him get distracted and lose the game.

He span around to face me. "You cheated!" he exclaimed.

"It's not my fault you're so easy to distract." I responded. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

"I'm gonna leave now." We heard Toni say.


The next day, I didn't wear my Serpent jacket for once. It felt weird, but I wasn't going to get kicked out on my second day.

I wore a black hoodie, a pair of jeans, black converse and my beanie.

I walked into the student lounge, and stopped when I saw that Sweet Pea was actually wearing a turtleneck

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I walked into the student lounge, and stopped when I saw that Sweet Pea was actually wearing a turtleneck.

"Don't say anything." He stated, obviously annoyed as well.

"Fine, I won't." I responded, and sat with Sweet Pea, Toni and Fangs. We were talking, until the room went silent, and we caught sight of Jughead.

"Oh, hey, guys. What's up?"Jughead said to us, as if there wasn't a reason for everyone to be staring at him. He casually walked over to the vending machine, showing his jacket to everyone.

"Take it off." Reggie demanded. He dropped his basketball, and walked over to Jughead. "Take off that jacket, rat boy." We stood up, and walked over there, knowing what Jughead had just unleashed.

Jughead sighed and turned around. "Oh, Reggie. I don't think you know what this jacket means." He said. He was facing Reggie now, and were close. "Because you have no sense of honor, or history, or loyalty."

"That's it." Reggie said, and tried to pull Jughead's jacket off. I went over to stop the fight with Fangs and Sweet Pea, but Toni pulled me back.

"Don't." she said, but I shrugged her off, and attempted to pull Reggie away from Jughead. It then turned into a full on brawl, Serpents versus Bulldogs again. 

It was great, until Veronica told on us and we were dragged to Weatherbee's office.

"You all have a weeks detention for fighting." Weatherbee announced. At least Reggie was in trouble too. "But, I made myself clear to you, Mr. Jones. Take off that jacket right now, or you're suspended."

Veronica tried to convince Jug, but he was having none of it.

"Then I guess I'm suspended." He responded, and walked out the office. Reggie looked proud of himself for that, and it took all the power in my body to stop myself from punching him again.

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