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Jayda's POV

Jughead arranged a Swords and Serpent's meeting for our lunch period. Only Toni, Fangs and Jughead were there when Sweet Pea and I got there.

Toni sent me a look, asking if I'd told him yet. I shook my head. Jughead handed me a piece of paper.

"So, this is how it ends? Not with a whimper, but a memo from Weatherbee." I scoffed. I scrunched up the paper, and threw it in the corner.

"Riverdale High is now suddenly overcrowded." Toni read out from her own sheet. "So, starting next week, all former Southside High students will be bussed to Seaside High, which is two hours away."

"Meaning, he blames us for trashing the school during Riot Night." Sweet Pea commented.

"Well, to be fair, Sweet Pea... you did." I responded.

"What's our play, Jones? Do we have one?" Fangs asked, sighing.

"I don't know anymore guys." Jughead answered, "We can't keep fighting for a gang that doesn't exist."

"Well, what about us? Or any of the other Serpents at the Wyrm?" Toni asked.

"What Serpents at the Wyrm?" Jughead and I asked, confused.


Jughead and I looked over the Wyrm, and all the Serpents that were crashing there. 

"I don't understand." Jughead stated.

"You saw what the Ghoulies did to most of Sunnyside." Toni commented.

"A lot of Serpents couldn't afford to leave Riverdale. So, we came here." Sweet Pea added. I turned to my boyfriend.

"You can always stay with us." I told him.

"Yeah, your dad would love that." Sweet Pea responded. 

"Does our dad know about this?" Jughead asked. Jughead left to go to Pop's to find Dad. 

I looked at Toni, and she nodded.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked Sweet Pea.

"Sure." He replied. I glanced at the busy bar we where in.

"Somewhere more private." I said, and he nodded. I took him to the side of the bar, where no one could hear us.

"What is it?" He asked me. I took a deep breath.

"You're probably going to break up with me for this, because I'm a horrible, terrible person." I explained, and felt the tears fall down my face. "I was pregnant. And, I lost the baby, when I was shot." He was silent for a minute, trying to wrap his head around it.

"You were pregnant?" Sweet Pea questioned.

"I get if you want to leave me. Because, I killed our baby." I was crying more now. He did something I didn't expect him to do. He pulled me into a hug.

"I could never leave you." He told me, after breaking the hug. "You didn't know, it wasn't your fault."

"It was my fault." I argued. "I got myself shot. And, I killed the baby."

"You were protecting Fangs. You did an amazing, selfless thing. It was just something bad that came out of it, okay?" Sweet Pea soothed. I nodded. "I would never break up with you. I love you too much, okay?"

"I love you too, Pea." I responded. He leaned in and kissed me softly.


I opened the door to the trailer, and heard a part of Dad and Jug's conversation.

"He fired me from Pop's today. He's cleaning house." Dad said. He was lying on the couch, drink in hand. "Getting rid of the stragglers."

"He's a bastard." I piped in the conversation.

"Yeah." Dad agreed.

"Who cares? We have work to do. Why'd you lie to us?" Jughead asked him.

"You told us the Serpents don't exist. They're at the Whyte Wyrm, and they need our help." I added. Dad got up from the seat, and brushed past us, and into the kitchen.

"No, what they need is to cut bait. And, get out while they still can." Dad argued. You could tell in his voice, and the way he moved that he was drunk. 

"Now, I was lying when I said it was over." Dad continued. "It is time."

"What are you talking about?" I snapped at him.

"It is time to skip town." Dad responded.

"We're not going anywhere." Jughead argued, for both of us.

"You bet your ass you are. Toledo. I already told your mom." Dad demanded.

"No, I'm not leaving Betty." Jughead argued.

"We're not abandoning the Serpents!" I added, angrily. Dad brushed past us again, and took a sip of his beer before leaving it on the coffee table.

"I will not be standing over body bags with you two zipped up in them. I almost lost both of you, I'm not letting that happen again." Dad insisted. "We're moving to Toledo. But pack light, we're only taking the bikes."

Dad walked past us and back into the kitchen.

"You know, that's really smart of you, Dad." I called after him, and he turned to me. "Seeing as I can't be on a motorcycle for a while." I scoffed.

I left the trailer, and over to the Wyrm, where Sweet pea was staying. I needed to talk to him. I spotted him with Fangs, by the pool tables.

"Jay, what are you doing here?" He asked me. 

"My dad wants us to move to Toledo." I explained. 

"Oh..." He trailed off. You could hear the sadness in his voice. He'd just gotten me back, and I was leaving again.

"I don't want to leave you, believe me. We can make it work, okay?" I reassured, and tried to get closer to him.

"Okay." He smiled, and hugged me.

"I can't leave for a while anyway, my dad is planning to take the bikes, and I can't even ride one." I scoffed.

"At least I get to be with you for a while longer." He smiled, and kissed me. "You wanna play pool with us?"

"If you're ready to lose." I replied.

"Yeah, right." Sweet Pea rolled his eyes.

"I'm way better than you." I insisted. I did end up winning the game, which was fun. Then, I played Fangs and beat him as well. 

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