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Jayda's POV

"My dad's trial is this weekend." I told Sweet Pea. We were sitting in his trailer, finishing breakfast. "Can you come with me?"

"Of course I can." he replied, and took my hand under the table. "It's going to be okay."

I took a deep breath. "I know. I love you."  

"I love you too." he replied, we finished our food, then set off for school. 

After our first few lessons (Math, Biology and History), I went over to my locker to grab my Chemisty book. I closed the door, and saw Jake staring at me.

"What do you want?!" I snapped, and ran a hand through my hair. I didn't need this today.

"Nothing." he said, and continued staring at me. 

"Then, why the hell are you here?" I asked him, not really caring about his answer. "This is getting stalkerish."

"I wanted to let you know, I dumped that blonde bitch." he said. He was talking about the girl he cheated on me with.

"So." I stated, folding my arms.

"I want you back Jayde." Jake said, placing a hand on my arm.

"Get, the fuck, off me!" I exclaimed, slapping his hand off me. "I've moved on, I have a boyfriend."

"You mean that giant." he said, and glanced over at Sweet Pea who was talking with Fangs.

"Yeah, my giant." I sighed, looking over at my boyfriend. I looked back at the cheater. "You cheated on me, you blew it. Remember."

"It was a stupid mistake, please." he pleaded. 

"No. I've talked it over with my dad. I'm kicking you out the Serpents." I told him, and watched his smile disappear.

"What the hell! You can't do that!" Jake shouted, catching Sweet Pea and Fangs' attention.

"Yeah, I can. You broke the fifth law." I said, smiling. "Now hand over your jacket." I put my hand out. Sweet Pea and Fangs came over to us.

Jake took off his jacket, and threw it at me.

"Bitch." he spat at me before turning to leave.

"What did you say?!" Sweet Pea snapped, grabbing the back of Jake's shirt.

"Leave it." I said to him. He shoved Jake into the locker, and we walked away.

"Why do you have his jacket?" Fangs asked me.

"I talked it over with my dad. I exiled him." I answered. Sweet Pea and Fangs started to laugh.

"What are you going to do with his jacket?" Sweet Pea asked.

"I was thinking, I'm going to burn it." I replied. We began to laugh again.

"Nice." Fangs laughed. 


That weekend, I got ready for my dad's trial. I brushed my hair, and appiled my eye makeup. For once, I wore a dress, but it was still black. I pulled on a pair of fishnet tights, and heeled boots.

 I pulled on a pair of fishnet tights, and heeled boots

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